The solution Obviously you need to install the missing certificates on the server, BUT this can result in multiple "certification paths" and you STILL might be getting the "extra download" In our case, the issue was that IIS supplied an extra unneeded certificate in the chain. So the solutio...
今天猫猫的HTTPS证书到期,换了一个SSL证书,发现微信小程序意然报错了。 看图似乎是证书的问题。 猫猫的这台服务器用的是frp内网穿透提供HTTPS服务的,证书是安装在frp客户端这边,IIS或VFP调试服务器提供的是本地HTTP服务,通过frp秒变https。 fprc.ini配置如下 看图似乎是证书的问题。 猫猫的这台服务器用的是frp内网...
获取新证书:从受信任的证书颁发机构(CA)获取新的SSL/TLS证书。 安装证书:根据你的服务器类型(如Apache、Nginx、IIS等),按照CA提供的指南安装证书。 更新证书链:确保证书链完整,并包括中间证书和根证书。5. 联系网站管理员或IT支持 如果你不是网站管理员,并且无法自己解决问题,你可以尝试联系网站管理员或你的IT支...
Hello @risolis thank you for your reply There's totaly on-premise environment, no azure. Yes internal or intranet doesn't matter, it can be portal or exchange web services or a site that hosted on IIS. There's firewall of course but no SSL inspection. It is not OS related. Unt...
✅ IIS server delivers an old, expired SSL Certificate, giving ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID:I enabled IIS on one of my machines Win 10, made a tiny website, bought an SSL Cert SECTIGO, not self-signed, installed it. All went OK. When I test...
CROS限制方法如下: 在谷歌浏览器中打开 chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests 找到Block insecure private network requests. 设置为Disabled 关闭谷歌浏览器重新打开网页就会发现cors跨域已经完美解决了~ ——— NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID...
I was using Fiddler to trouble a website on localhost IIS using https (requires https) and now I can't connect to the website without Fiddler running. If I close Fiddler I get an error "Your connection is not private" (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID). I don't know what changed. ...
在Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager 中安装证书。 清除浏览器数据。 重新启动浏览器和 IBM RPA 服务。 可选:将 Mozilla Firefox 设置为信任证书 以下过程显示了如何将 Mozilla 设置为信任可信根认证中心下的证书。 打开Mozilla Firefox 并输入about:config。
超文本传输安全协议(英语:Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure,缩写:HTTPS,常称为 HTTP over ...