刷新页面(快捷键F5或Ctrl+R)排除临时性网络波动影响,清除浏览器缓存与Cookie(Chrome路径:设置>隐私和安全>清除浏览数据),切换浏览器或启用无痕模式排除插件冲突。 防火墙与安全软件排查 部分杀毒软件或Windows Defender防火墙可能误判网站为威胁。暂时关闭防火墙(控制面板>系统和安...
1. 解释"err_address_unreachable"是什么错误 "err_address_unreachable" 是一个在使用 Google Chrome 或其他基于 Chromium 的浏览器时可能遇到的错误。这个错误通常表明浏览器无法到达或无法联系到指定的网络地址。简单来说,就是你的浏览器无法访问你尝试访问的网站。 2. 列举可能导致"err_address_unreachable"错误的...
Google Chrome: 点击右上角的三点菜单。 选择"更多工具" > "清除浏览数据"。 选择"所有时间" 作为时间范围。 勾选"缓存的图片和文件"。 点击"清除数据"。 5. 检查代理设置 如果你使用了代理服务器,确保代理设置正确。错误的代理设置可能导致ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE错误。
Fix ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE in chrome #8: Disable Chrome Extensions Installing Chrome extensions can provide additional functionality to your web browser, such as grammar checkers or ads blocking tools. Software can be prone to bugs and errors. Please delete all Chrome extensions so that none will ...
Sometimes, while browsing the internet via Google Chrome, users get the following error message: This site can’t be reached the website is unreachabl...See all Solutions(20) Add a new solution Get alerted of new solutions You haven’t selected any specifications, therefore all solutions get ...
Sometimes, while browsing the internet via Google Chrome, users get the following error message: This site can’t be reached the website is unreachabl...See all 20Solutions 216Helped 0Unresolved Moderated #it#browsers#software ... selectallspecifications which apply to you: ...
La caché del navegador Chrome y la caché DNS local también pueden almacenar direcciones defectuosas, lo que lleva a problemas de conectividad. Es por eso que limpiar la caché es crucial para solucionar este tipo de errores. Extensiones de Chrome y Firewalls Otra razón para el ERR_...
chrome://net-internals/#dns A new settings page window opens up and you will find a “Clear host cache” button on it. Click on it to clear all the host cache settings that Google Chrome is using and restart your browser. With any luck, the error should now be cleared and you should...
ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE is a network error message in Google Chrome indicating that your browser cannot access a specific website. That is often due to connectivity or configuration issues. It can also indicate that the website’s address does not exist or is temporarily unavailable. Other similar...