1.理解 ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS 错误 “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”错误发生时,浏览器会不断尝试访问一个网页,但因为配置错误,网页一直在进行重定向,直到超过了浏览器的限制。通常这与 Cloudflare 的SSL/TLS 配置、源服务器的重定向设置、或网站的缓存配置相关。 2.检查并正确配置 SSL/TLS 设置 Cloudflare 提供了几...
有时打不开网页,出现错误提示“重定向次数过多(ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS)”这有可能是网站保存在本地的“cookie”出现错误,只需清理浏览器的cookie即可。下面就和小编一起来看看吧! 1. 打开浏览器,以新版edge浏览器为例,点击右上角的三个小点打开菜单,选择“设置”: 2. 打开设置中的“cookie和网站权限”: ...
1、清除浏览器Cookie和缓存 有时候,“Err Too Many Redirects”这个错误可能是因为你的浏览器里有些Cookie出了问题。你可以试着换个浏览器(比如Firefox、Safari、Opera或者Microsoft Edge)来访问你的网站。如果换了浏览器就能正常访问,那就说明可能是你原来那个浏览器的Cookie或者缓存有问题。这时候,你可以尝试清除一...
browser. While Google Chrome is a popular choice for many users, sometimes certain websites may have compatibility issues with Chrome. By switching to another browser such asMozilla FirefoxorMicrosoft Edge, you may be able to access the website without encountering the “err_too_many_redirects”...
Microsoft Edge- The page isn't working right now … ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Safari- Safari Can't Open the Page - Too many redirects occurred trying to open … All of these different error messages mean the same thing — your website has a redirect loop problem. ...
A quick ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS fix can get this error out of your site in no time.Microsoft EdgeThe ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS edge error message is also different. The error on Microsoft Edge reads, “This page isn’t working.” Fortunately, the solution to this issue is like the solutions...
* Note:The same error will show as "The page isn’t redirecting properly" in Firefox, and as "This page isn’t working right now. Website's URL redirected you too many times" in Microsoft EDGE. FIX: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in Google Chrome. ...
关于“err_too_many_redirects”,您需要了解的第一件事是它实际上并不是特定于WordPress的问题。相反,这是当您的浏览器由于重定向循环而无法向您显示您请求的内容时显示的消息。 重定向就像转发地址。您可以设置一个,以便如果访问者点击链接或输入特定页面的 URL,他们将被发送到不同的目的地。通常,当您将网站上的...
What Is the Err Too Many Redirects Error Depending on the browser, there are multiple messages variations that can be displayed for this error. In Chrome and Microsoft Edge, users will be told that the address has redirected you too many times. While in Mozilla the message states that the...
As mentioned, plugins can also cause “too many redirects”. The best way to find an error is to firstdeactivate all plugins. If the error stops occurring, checkeach plugin individually. Identify the culprit, uninstall it and either look for an alternative or figure out where the error origin...