我发现这可能是由于 DNS 或 SSL 设置配置不正确造成的,因此我在 Cloudflare 上关闭了 SSL,并为了进行测试,将所有各种 A 和 CNAME 记录更改为“仅限 DNS”。进行更改后,我现在收到上述错误 (ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)。 请注意 - 每次测试时,我都会打开一个全新的 Chrome 隐身会话,以确保我没有残留的 cookie...
10. Check server log for error messages If you reached this stage and still haven’t resolved the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR issue, things might be a bit more complicated than what we thought in the beginning. To help identify general website issues, including connection errors, it can often he...
的博客 Cloudflare 是一个知名的老牌 CDN 厂商了,相信很多人应该都知道,今天我在逛 Cloudflare の Docs...
Cloudflare: and Google: and OpenDNS: and Make sure you restart your device after making the change so that the new DNS settings take effect. Preventing The ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Error From Coming Back ...
WebSocket错误: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 14 Webpack通过调用sockjs-node/net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR记录错误"net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR“ 2209 PHP Websocket错误:使用cloudflare的net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 10 错误SSL协议错误:错误错误URI 14 连接建立中的rails电缆错误: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERRO...
If there is a misconfiguration between your SSL settings and Cloudflare, the “err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch” error may be triggered. If this is the issue, the SSL checker tool will show the certificate as invalid. However, you can resolve this issue by simply configuring SSL (The spe...
Check the SSL Status in Cloudflare The ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error is common for websites that just started using Cloudflare’s content delivery network (CDN). It is caused by the Universal SSL that the CDN utilizes by default. Simply put, Cloudflare needs some time to install ...
Note:One cause of the error (Err_SSL_version_or_Cipher_Mismatch) is the mismatch between the client’s and server’s SSL protocol versions. Simply put, the difference between a client and server’s SSL protocol versions can cause an SSL error. To find the difference, you must check on ...
WPOven offers free SSL certificates with every hosting plan, along with Cloudflare integration that ensures complete security.However, if your website is not hosted on WPOven and the price is your main concern, there are many free SSL providers available. “Let’s Encrypt” is one of the ...