尽管潜在原因的范围可能会使故障排除变得棘手,但可以修复ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED错误。让我们从最有可能提供答案的步骤开始,介绍您可以采取的九个步骤。 1. 检查网站状态 您的第一个停靠点应该是检查您尝试访问的网站的状态。正如我们已经提到的,ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED错误有时可能是由站点的服务器引起的,而不是您自己...
一个错误提示: 错误:拒绝连接 麻烦采纳,谢谢!
IE——>Internet 选项——>连接,这里有两个设置项,一个是“拨号和虚拟专用网络设置”中的“设置”,还有是“局域网设置”,进入这两个选项,把“代理服务器”的check box去掉,IE和Chrome就都能用了。 我使用chrome也遇到这种情况
Err;java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect 如果初次能够连接 刷新几次之后 出现此异常 检查DAO方法里是否有使用getSession() 未关闭session的 Session session = getSession(); ... session.close();//必须的 重启数据库服务,运行Tomcat如果还报错不用理会,可以使用...
Tomcat出现ERR_CONNECT_REFUSED 在本地调试一个Web项目,部署到Tomcat,在浏览器访问的时候出现ERR_CONNECT_REFUSED提示,项目是没问题的,因为前一天还是正常运行的,应该是Tomcat出了问题。 先直接访问127.0.0.1:8080和localhost:8080,都不能正常访问Tomcat主页,猫不见了。
2、VM4756:1 Refused to connect to ‘ws://’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “default-src ‘none’”. Note that ‘connect-src’ was not explicitly set, so ‘default-src’ is used as a fallback. ...
Err_connection_refused Macbook Pro I have a Macbook Pro and since a few months I can only access a few sites like Facebook, Youtube, this one. When I try to connect to others I get the message: ERR_connection_refused. I tried using other browsers and all of the solutions suggested...
The ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error is a common frustration for internet users. Many of our readers have asked us how to fix it. This error occurs when your web browser can’t connect to the website you’re trying to access. You might see the error when attempting to visit a site, or in... refused to connect in Windows 10/11– This address is referred to as a loopback. Try appending the port to the IP in order to fix the problem of refusing to connect. Localhost refused to connect in Windows 10/11– To begin, if you are using XAMPP or ...