Err stems from the Latin word errare, meaning “to stray, wander,” and it retained that meaning when it first entered English. We find the same Latin ancestor at the root of the words error, erratic, and erroneous.Synonyms blunder boob [British] flub fluff foul up fumble goof (up) lous...
The Latin root worderrmeans “wander.” Let’s “wander” about in the English lexicon amidst those words which have the rooterrin them! All humans makeerrors of one kind or another, that is, we all “wander” from the correct or right path, whatever that may be. There is a common ...
"go astray, lose one's way; make a mistake; transgress," from Latin errare "wander, go… See origin and meaning of err.
By itself, err, which shares a Latin root with error, is a formal way to say "mess up." The proverb "To err is human, to forgive divine" is an old-fashioned version of "Hey, everyone makes mistakes. Why don't you be the bigger person and let it go?" Err can also mean to go...
1650s, in reference to "fixed" stars (as opposed to "wandering" planets), from Latininerrantem(nominativeinerrans) "not wandering, fixed (of stars)," fromin-"not, opposite of" (seein-(1)) +errans, present participle oferrare"to wander, stray, roam, rove" (seeerr). Meaning "unerrin...
ERR, from the Latin verberrare, means "to wander" or "to stray.” The root is seen in the worderror, meaning a wandering or straying from what is correct or true.Erratum(plural,errata) is Latin for "mistake"; so anerratapage is a book page that lists mistakes found too late to cor...
Scrabble Is err a scrabble word? A 3 point word in scrabble. Check the word games tab below for probability, odds and more. Pig Latin Err in Pig Latin is said as "erray or errway". Unigram e | r | r Bigram er | rr Trigram err Word Gram second letter r third letter is rUse...
2.1.1394 Part 1 Section, latin (Latin Font) 2.1.1395 Part 1 Section, r (Text Run) 2.1.1396 Part 1 Section, rPr (Text Run Properties) 2.1.1397 Part 1 Section, sym (Symbol Font) 2.1.1398 Part 1 Section, u...