解决方式二:有可能是你的git repo配置地址不正确,可以将http方式变更为ssh方式 解决方式三:不建议
fatal:unable to access'https://github.com/a956551943/a956551943.github.io/':Encounteredendof fileFATAL{err:Error:Spawnfailed atChildProcess.<anonymous>(/usr/local/src/hexo/hanyubolg/node_modules/hexo-util/lib/spawn.js:51:21)atChildProcess.emit(events.js:376:20)atProcess.ChildProcess._handle....
Hexo部署过程中可能会出现错误 fatal: unable to access'https://github.com/a956551943/a956551943.github.io/': Encountered end of file FATAL { err: Error: Spawn failed at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/local/src/hexo/hanyubolg/node_modules/hexo-util/lib/spawn.js:51:21) at ChildProcess.emit ...
hexo部署(hexo d)报错 FATAL { err: Error: Spawn failed 报错信息 kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote hostConnection closed by port 22fatal: Could not read from remote repository.Please make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository exists.FATAL {e...
error(`Failed to spawn process: ${error.message}`); } 在这个示例中,我们尝试使用 spawn 函数来启动 ls 命令。如果命令无法启动,错误将被捕获并打印到控制台。 希望这些信息能帮助你解决遇到的问题!如果还有其他问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时告诉我。
Getting error while try to load collection in both API, Milvus attu tool. Error: failed to load collection, err=failed to spawn replica for collection[nodes not enough]. Note: For the Past 1 week, I'm facing new issues like created db few of them got deleted. Now the collection has ...
Node version : v10.16.0 OS : Windows 10 Package trying to use: node-serialport Verbose output (from npm or node-gyp): PS C:\Users\Ergotopia\Documents\Ergotopia\electron-usb-test> .\node_modules\.bin\electron-rebuild.cmd × Rebuild Failed ...
Error I get: C:\Users\storm\OneDrive\Documents\_Dev>react-native initMobileTrikeThiswill walk you through creating anewReactNativeprojectinC:\Users\storm\OneDrive\Documents\_Dev\MobileTrike'yarn'is not recognizedasan internal or external command, operable program or batch file.Installingreact-native....
syscall spawngit"的问题 ## 介绍 在使用npm安装依赖包时,有时会遇到类似“NPMERR! syscall spawngit”这样的错误。这个错误通常表示npm在执行命令时无法正确调用git命令。对于初学者来说,这可能会让人感到困惑,但是我们可以通过一些步骤来解决这个问题。 ## 解决步骤 下面是解决“NPMERR! syscall ...
spawn ENOENT npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the voting_app@1.1.0 server script 'live-server -- public --host=localhost --port=3000 --middleware=./disable-browser- cache.js'. npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. npm ERR! If you do, this is ...