ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID:如果 SSL 证书中提到的到期日期早于系统日期,您可能会遇到此错误。ERR_CERT_SYMANTEC_LEGACY:出现此错误是因为 Chrome 不再信任 Symantec 在 2016 年 6 月 1 日之前颁发的 SSL 证书。ERR_CERT_REVOKED:此错误代码的主要原因是 CA 撤销了网站的 SSL 证书。Edge 中的“您的连接不是私...
An ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error is returned when the Google Chrome browser cannot find a secure connection like an SSL.
现象:火狐:SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION,谷歌、EDGE: ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH 原因:就是老系统https使用的协议太老,不安全,新的浏览器版本不兼容 解决方法:chrome和edge还没研究出来,目前只在火狐上成功了,下面是火狐的操作方法 1、打开火狐浏览器 2、地址栏输入: about:config 3、接受高风险 4、...
How To Fix the ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT Error (7 Methods) An ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error is returned when the Google Chrome browser cannot find a secure connection like an SSL. Reading time 9 min read Updated date July 6, 2023 Post type Knowledge Base Topic Chrome Errors...
清除SSL缓存:SSL缓存可能导致浏览器使用过期的证书,需要清除SSL缓存后重新访问网站。修改DNS服务器:尝试修改DNS服务器为谷歌开放DNS或Cloudflare DNS,以查看是否能解决问题。此外,如果你在使用WordPress或Let’s Encrypt的SSL证书时遇到此问题,还可以尝试联系服务器提供商或证书发行方寻求帮助。总之,NET::ERR_CERT_...
Microsoft Edge –“There is a problem with your website’s security certificate” Safari –“Safari can’t verify the identity of the website” How to fix “This site can’t provide a secure connection” err_ssl_protocol_error? In this section, we will discuss the possible local or server...
Here’s a quick rundown of the steps that take place in the background during an SSL handshake: Hello: The client says “Hi” to the server and shares options for connecting securely. Agreement: The server responds with its identity certificate and agrees on the best encryption method. ...
I had to install a web service on a server and got this error. There were 2 certificates available for me to use when binding to https, I got this error with the first cert, but the 2nd one was ok and did not give this error.
简介:以往应用的一些系统,可能因为年代久远,只能支持SSL的低版本协议,在Win 10和Win 11强制使用edge取代Internet explore以后:- 因为edge本身默认不支持低版本的SSL协议;- 老旧系统可能本身只能支持Internet explore。 报错码ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH ...
the website’s SSL Certificate or its configuration may be responsible for the above error since the causes may lead to a mismatch between the website server and the browser settings on the client side. This post will see how to resolve theERR SSL KEY USAGE INCOMPATIBLEerror onChromeorEdge....