二泉映月(The Moon Reflected In Er-qua)是中国民间二胡音乐家华彦钧(阿炳)的代表作。阿炳经常在无锡二泉边拉琴,创作此曲时已双目失明,据阿炳的亲友和邻居们回忆,阿炳卖艺一天仍不得温饱,深夜回归小巷之际,常拉此曲,凄切哀怨,尤为动人。 阿炳的朋友陆墟曾这样描写过阿炳拉奏《二泉映月》时的情景:“大雪象鹅毛似...
37. Abing's Erquan Yingyue is a deeply moving piece of music, known for its emotional depth and sadness. 38. The journey was unpleasant, and we didn't have a good time at all. 39. Many people choose to go to work by subway to protect the environment. 40. He believes learning to...