Supervisor is commonly used to manage the Gunicorn processes, which are responsible for serving the web application. When you make changes to your Frappe or ERPNext setup, such as updating the codebase or applying migrations, restarting the relevant processes is often necessary to apply these change...
In this tutorial you will install and configure an ERPNext stack on one server running Ubuntu 20.04. This will allow you to configure your stack for various development or production environments depending on your needs, and it will prepare you to build a more complex, fault-tolerant architecture...
instead of above i run “sudo bench setup production erpnext“ its working now, just shared my experience if anyone face to same problem in Ubuntu 20.04 Reply Piyush March 23, 2021 at 1:39 pm At the end of Step 4, ‘Install and Configure MariaDB Server’, running the command, ‘sys...