Ernie Ball VPJR调音音量踏板将调音与音量控制合二为一,其数字调音器拥有卓越的清晰度,为用户提供流畅、精准且视觉上极具吸引力的调音体验。不同于传统的音量踏板,VPJR的数字屏幕还能直观显示音量级别,一目了然。在寻求调音踏板的同时,您不妨考虑这款集调音与音量控制于一体的世界级踏板。触摸屏模式 通过双击屏...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Ernie Ball VPJR Tuner 带调音阻抗自动匹配EB音量踏板单块效果器的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Ernie Ball VPJR Tuner 带调音阻抗自动匹配EB音量踏板单块效果器的信息,请来
Estimated Value for Ernie Ball 6180 VP Jr Mono Volume Pedal on Reverb Filter by model Includes material, year, finish Estimated Price Range Based on 5,995 orders forP0-6180 VP JR. 250K Passive Volume Pedal 2010s SilverinGood to Mint condition ...
$112.48Original price $22.50 off $89.98 China On Sale Hotone Ampero Press 2 in 1 Passive Volume Expression Control EXP Pedal with External EXP Jacks Brand New Originally $104.71, now $89 ($15.71 off) $104.71Original price $15.71 off
Ernie Ball 3721 Cobalt Regular Slinky 3 Pack 27,00 € 6magasins Ernie Ball 2850 Slinky Nickel Wound Super Long Scale 5-String Electric 33,00 € 6magasins 109,00 € 6magasins 5,90 € Ernie Ball Everlast Picks 0.60 Pink 5,90 € ...
苏宁易购为您提供沃森(woshion)Ernie Ernie Ball VP JR 6180/6182乐器配件和美国夏伯SHUBB电木吉他C1 L1 C2 C3 C5 L9尤克里里C7C8特殊变调夹 乐器配件参数对比,让您了解沃森(woshion)Ernie Ernie Ball VP JR 6180/6182乐器配件和美国夏伯SHUBB电木吉他C1 L1 C2 C3 C5 L9尤
Compared to previous VP Jr. models from Ernie Ball there is definitely an improvement in the sweep of the pedal for a more ideal volume control. The pedal rocks comfortably with just enough tension to hold at any position, and still allow for a smooth transition while doing volume swells. ...
详细参数 品牌:沃森(woshion) 型号:Ernie Ernie Ball VP JR 6180/6182 乐器配件类别:乐器保护类配件 适用乐器:弦乐器 国产/进口:进口 吉他配件分类:其它 尤克里里配件:护理品 电子琴配件:指力器 电钢琴配件:踏板热门推荐 ¥419.00 SWIFF AUDIO瑞孚WS70+升级款无线收发器 电吹管电木吉他电子琴乐器通用 瑞孚无线...
00:06 ErnieBall 2019 全新VPJR调音表 3月上市 04:52 来自油管红人Ryan Bruce对ERNIE BALL 原声吉他琴弦的评测!... 05:25 来自葡萄牙的The Voynich Code乐队的歌曲Antithesis,乐队风... 10:19 Paul Gilbert测试Ernie Ball Paradigm系列琴弦 12:07 Against的...
VPJR 25k #6181 This pedal is basically the same as the #6180. This pedal’s mono 25k potentiometer makes it best suited for someone running an active signal (active pickups, keyboard, effects, etc.) into the pedal. For a 25k pedal with stereo functionality, check out #6167.Mono/Switch ...