“The king is dead. Long live the king. BERT’s reign might be coming to an end. XLNet, a new model by people from CMU and Google outperforms BERT on 20 tasks.”–Sebastian Ruder, research scientist at Deepmind. “XLNet will probably be an important tool for any NLP practitioner for ...
LG:Camera operator Bert Dunk (an unsung hero of the film who was also responsible for designing the equipment needed to film all of the killer’s POV shots) strangled me in the closet with the plastic bag, but Bob Clark rocked the rocking chair. Bob also did some of Billy’s voices, ...
Slate’sJune Thomasdeclared it a “terrible way” to commemorate the repeal of DOMA, because Bert and Ernie are not actually lovers. “You see, straight America, there’s a difference between same-sex friends and gay lovers. Does America contain households in which lovers pass themselves off ...
And according to the experimental results on all Chinese datasets, ERNIE 2.0 model comprehensively outperforms BERT on all of the 9 Chinese datasets. Furthermore, ERNIE 2.0 large model achieves the best performance and creates new state-of-the-art results on these Chinese NLP task. Pre-training...
了ERNIE是通过加强BERT的masking策略来获取知识,包括引入实体级别的masking和词级别的masking,实验证明,ERNIE在五项中文自然语言处理任务上继BERT之后又刷新了榜单,并且在完形填空... 在大量任务中力压当时 state-of-art的模型。 在中文的任务上,ERNIE 2.0 也是表现出色,全线飘红。 总结一下,ERNIE 2.0 是一个连续增量...
Inspired by the masking strategy of BERT, ERNIE is designed to learn language representation enhanced by knowledge masking strategies, which includes entity-level masking and phrase-level masking. Entity-level strategy masks entities which are usually composed of multiple words.Phrase-level strategy ...
ERNIE: Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration[1] 是百度在2019年4月的时候,基于BERT模型,做的进一步优化,在中文的NLP任务上得到了state-of-the-art的结果。 它主要是在mask的机制上做了改进,它的mask不是基本的word piece的mask,而是在pretrainning阶段增加了外部的知识,由三种level的mask组成,分别是...
ERNIE: Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration[1] 是百度在2019年4月的时候,基于BERT模型,做的进一步优化,在中文的NLP任务上得到了state-of-the-art的结果。 它主要是在mask的机制上做了改进,它的mask不是基本的word piece的mask,而是在pretrainning阶段增加了外部的知识,由三种level的mask组成,分别是...
获得奖项: Cannes Lions 2012 银奖 户外(Billboards & Street Furniture_Entertainment & Leisure) Cannes Lions 2012 银奖 户外(Posters_Entertainment & Leisure) Cannes Lions 2012 银奖 平面(Product & Service_Entertainment & Leisure) 伦敦国际广告节 2012 银奖 其他(Design: Art Direction Campaign) ...
The experimental results have demonstrated that ERNIE achieves significant improvements on various knowledge-driven tasks, and meanwhile is comparable with the state-of-the-art model BERT on other common NLP tasks. The source code of this paper can be obtained from https://github.com/thunlp/ERNIE...