Check out my You Asked Series offering an array of Writing Tips and Resources. You Asked: How Important is Genre? You Asked: 7 Things You Can Do to Identify Your Genre You Asked: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Genre’s You Asked: Are Song Titles Copyrigh
One of the best things about good stories is great characters. In a memorable story, the main character shares the stage with a cast of other similarly complex characters. We don’t need to have 20 super complex characters, unless you’re writing some kind of epic, but we should definitely...
2. “In order to write about life, first you must live it.” Writing is about living life and translating it on paper. If you have not lived life, then you have no substance to write about. As Hemingway himself lived life to the fullest, his writings are a treasure of both adventure...
It's the birthday of one of literature's greatest writers today; the perfect occasion to get stuck in to some of the best novels of all time.
Ernest Hemingway(欧内斯特.海明威), an outstanding American writer and reporter, was born in 1899. His life experience had a great influence on his writing style. Hemingway lived in France and Italy between the 1920s and 1950s. Most of his books such as The Sun Also Rises were written at ...
To accept death requires that one perfect the art of living; and, just as the cornerstone of the art of writing to Hemingway is economy (which the iceberg theory itself suggests), the art of living by the Hemingway code is based on economy of emotion and gesture. To follow the Hemingway...
Novels written by the writers like Jane Austen, Victor Hugo and Ernest Hemingway help us to know more about our history, culture and many other things. Jane Austen was one of the most wellknown women writers of the world. She was born in England in 1775. Jane loved reading and writing....
Earlier in the morning when we had first put on our gear I notice that Sean, one half of the friendly Canadian couple, had a wrist mounted writing slate. It had several layers so that multiple messages could be recorded. I notice the top one, the only one that was visible, had a pic...
The Sun Also Rises(太阳照常升起),《太阳照常升起》是美国作家海明威于1926年出版的长篇小说,写的是像海明威一样流落在法国的一群美国年轻人。作者藉此成为“迷惘的一代”的人,并以此书开创了海明威式的独特文风。 小说以1924年至1925年这一历史时段和名城巴黎为背景