Ernest Hemingway厄内斯特海明威(1899-1961) Ernest Hemingway was a novelist and short story writer who became one of the best-known American authors of the 20thcentury. His lean, economical style has been widely copied by other writers, and his stories of courage in the face of tragedy are re...
Ernest Hemingway wrote a total of 10 novels, with seven published during his lifetime and three published posthumously. All of Hemingway’s works have had a significant impact on the global literary landscape, especially in Europe and America,...
根据第三段Hemingway's writing style is suite simple.He invented the term"iceberg theory(冰山理论)"to describe his writing.This means hiding deeper meanings under the surface(表面)of one's writing.(海明威的写作风格简洁。他发明了"冰山理论"这个术语来描述他的作品。这意味着在一个人写作的表面下隐藏...
Hemingway's first books, Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923), In Our Time (short stories, 1924), and The Torrents of Spring (a novel, 1926), attracted attention primarily because of his literary style. With the publication of The Sun Also Rises (1926), he was recognized as the spokesman...
Hemingways first books, Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923), In Our Time (short stories, 1924), and The Torrents of Spring (a novel, 1926), attracted attention primarily because of his literary style. With the publication of The Sun Also Rises (1926), he was recognized as the spokesman ...
Hemingway's first books, Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923), In Our Time (short stories, 1924), and The Torrents of Spring (a novel, 1926), attracted attention primarily because of his literary style. With the publication of The Sun Also Rises (1926), he was recognized as the spokesman...
哪位能帮我翻译! 海明威·生平简介 作者介绍:(海明威,E.)(Ernest Hemingway l899~1961) 美国小说家.1954年度的诺贝尔文学奖获得者
LiteraryStyle:1.SchoolingofNaturalism HisNaturalismemphasizesscientificobservationoflifewithoutidealismoravoidanceoftheugly.(In1954hewasawardedaNobelPrizeforhis"masteryoftheartofmodernnarration.")2.ColloquialStyle:HemingwaywantedtodescribetheactionsovividlythatreadercouldinferthestateofmindHedevelopedaspare,tight,...