The ends of the plastic-coated steel tubing are sprayed with a liquid plastic, which dries in air, before the Ermeto coupling is applied and screwed home. The purpose is to provide a bonding agent which ensures a hermetic and durable seal, and protects the tubing from corrosion, making the...
845-CA-D-150Flexible Coupling 7900280Magnetischer Naeherungssensor KF- 370.ABA.000008 (KFUG 370) tariff. no. 8413 60 70 变送器 192875DG-GA-25-YSR 0313583RMPG0812-0707,00 7789226005PAC-S300-SD37-V1-0M5 937-SP585-M43Cyan Dichroic Shortpass - 585nm DHI-0631/2-X24DCDHI-0631/2-X24...
2) coupling bracket 联结器托架3) Hermitian inner product 厄米内积 1. The problem of finding stabilizer quantum-error-correcting codes can be transformed into the problem of finding classical self-orthogonal linear codes over the Galois field GF(4) under a Hermitian inner product. 寻找量子稳定...
0mm GEL 243T-1B0000GEL 243T-1ABN100324 北京汉达森专业销售德国lenord+Bauer"Sommer-automatic SB190E/45 Schwenkbacken Antrlebsselte Motor nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten 北京汉达森专业销售德国Sommer-automatic"Fives Stein 450.1115SHAFT-COUPLINGBE3755/2 北京汉达森专业销售瑞典Fives Stein"KUKA Roboter 00001...
KG coupling 1.932.433.14.16 Li.?14, Re.?16 maxon motor gmbh RE16,order 18701,motormaxon motor gmbh GP16A,order 34785 ,reduction gearbox Kistler Type 8673 B100B050 parker VA35 -02-HK28-001parker F130CF-02-HK28-001AHP Merkle GmbH WKHZ 400.50/ Bubenzer BSC 160.4Herion S6VH...
845-CA-D-150Flexible Coupling 7900280Magnetischer Naeherungssensor KF- 370.ABA.000008 (KFUG 370) tariff. no. 8413 60 70 变送器 192875DG-GA-25-YSR 0313583RMPG0812-0707,00 7789226005PAC-S300-SD37-V1-0M5 937-SP585-M43Cyan Dichroic Shortpass - 585nm DHI-0631/2-X24DCDHI-0631/2-X24...