半个世纪以来,二里头遗址被考古界称为“一个不断改写中国‘之最’的地方”。 Over the past half-century, the Erlitou site has been acclaimed by the archaeological community as "the place that keeps rewriting China's ‘most’".
Erlitou 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 HTML,htp,HTTP,Huagai,huai he,huambo,huancayo,huang hai,huang he,huang shan, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute,(s)chelem,“分灶吃饭”, 用户正在搜索 hübnérite,Huc,huche,hucher,huchet,Hucho,hudson,hudsonite,hue,Hué,...
@知了爱学erlitou 知了爱学 二里头文化是中国早期青铜时代的一个重要文化,距今约3800年至3500年,主要分布在河南省中西部。二里头遗址是该文化的典型代表,位于今河南省洛阳市偃师区,被认为是夏朝晚期或商朝早期的都城遗址。 二里头文化的特点 二里头文化的特点主要体现在以下几个方面: 青铜器的使用:二里头文化是中国青铜...
Completed in 2019 in Luoyang, China. Images by Fangfang Tian, Tianzhou Yang, Li Li, Hangdong Zhu. As the capital site of the Xia Dynasty, which was recognized as the earliest dynasty of China, Erlitou relic has a history of about 3,800 years and...
1) Erlitou 二里头 1. Erlitou, Xia Dynasty and the Study of Early States in China; 二里头、夏与中国早期国家研究 更多例句>> 2) Erlitou culture 二里头文化 1. A Study of the City Site of Erlitou Culture at Puchengdian; 蒲城店二里头文化城址若干问题探讨 ...
1) Erlitou culture 二里头文化时期 1. In the Third and Forth Phases of Erlitou culture, the relics are influenced by Erlitou and Dongxiafeng cultures obviously. “老牛坡类型远古文化”遗存的年代大致相当于中原的二里头文化时期,其主体属于客省庄文化的范畴,在二里头文化第三、四期时,这类遗存受到了二里头...
"It's the widest single-row building in terms of facade found at the Erlitou site so far," Zhao says. Before this discovery, archaeologists had wondered whether the area was a central square, and the layout of previously discovered ruins nearby also confused researchers. ...
ZHENGZHOU, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- The Erlitou Relic Museum, which exhibits the history of ancient China's first recorded dynasty of Xia (2070-1600 B.C.), is set to open on Saturday in central China's Henan Province, local authorities said. ...
二里头夏都遗址博物馆(Erlitou Site Museum of the Xia Capital)面向海内外征集馆徽设计方案,以下入选logo,你最喜欢哪个?#柱下东史# k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 1 3 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......