erlang-ls.github.ioerlang-ls.github.ioPublic The source code for the Erlang LS website Shell415 vscodevscodePublic The Visual Studio Code Extension for the Erlang Language Server TypeScript7826 grammargrammarPublic TextMate grammar (also used by VS Code) for the Erlang programming language ...
Usage: Erlang LS [-v] [-t [<transport>]] [-p [<port>]] [-d [<log_dir>]] [-l [<log_level>]] -v, --version Print the current version of Erlang LS -t, --transport Specifies the transport the server will use for the connection with the client, either "tcp" or "stdio". ...
1. 安装Erlang和OTP (Open Telecom Platform)相关的依赖库和工具,如:GNU automake, autoconf, libssl-dev等等。 2. 确认已安装Erlang LS, 并安装在路径下,例如:/usr/local/bin/erlang_ls。 3. 安装VSCode的Erlang Extension,可以在VSCode中搜索安装或使用命令行安装:code --install-extension vim-erlang 4. 打...
>A: >Sujet: [erlang-questions] how to call os:cmd("ls") from shell? - Show quoted text - > >hi list, > >I fellowed the otp document, but it failed. > ># erl -s os cmd ls > >Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.5 [source] [async-threads:0] [h...
安全工程师就业*景怎么样-安全工程师工作好找吗 爱尔兰都柏林国立*相当于国内什么院校-国立爱尔兰*都柏林*世界排名 考注册安全工程师需要什么条件-注册安全工程师考试流程及费用 考在职MBA什么流程-在职mba报考条件 考英语四级需要带哪些证件-英语四级需要注意些什么 新... It is possible to customize the extension for a given project via an erlang_ls.config file. Learn how. Available Features Code Completion Get context-aware code completions for function names, macros, records, variable names and more. Go To Definition Navigate to ...
git clone cd erlang_ls git checkout dap-vscode rebar3 as dap escriptize Make sure ./_build/dap/bin/els_dap is in your path. The target project for the launch config is daptoy, set a breakpoint around line 10 of `src/daptoy_fact.erl.About...
* Drop OTP 23 support by @plux in * Avoid running get_words twice when opening new file by @ztion in * Change linum-mode to display-line-numbers-mode by @peerst in https://github....
Describe the bug LSP crashes when running in the coder-server container To Reproduce Pull and run the docker image In the container, install Erlang and rebar3 # dependencies sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install erlang curl https://s3...