这里的355000为MincSeconds. 注意:这是统计从1到30,斐波那契函数运行的总时间。 若要使变通下,要是求每个运行的时间,(若是求)计算每个函数请求的响应时间,则如下: ps:这里可以扩展做获取每个request的接口的请求时间. timer:tc/3 是在代码调优中的很好的工具以及获取某函数运行时间. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%...
在任何 Elixir 代码中都能直接使用 Erlang 提供的标准库,Erlang 的模块用小写的原子变量表示,比如:os和:timer。 我们可以用timer.tc计算某个函数执行的时间: defmoduleExampledodeftimed(fun,args)do{time,result}=:timer.tc(fun,args)IO.puts("Time:#{time}μs")IO.puts("Result:#{result}")endendiex>Exa...
2> [spawn(fun() -> {P1, _P2} =timer:tc(primes, primelist, [100000]),io:format("timer:~p~n", [P1])end) || _ <-lists:seq(1, 10)]. timer:185078651 timer:190735178 timer:192956743 timer:193186850 timer:220074562 timer:222929652 timer:234756209 timer:235304593 timer:235474721 timer:2...
Today’s Erlang Thursday is on timer:tc/3.I am sure we have all written some timing code where we capture the current time, do something, capture the current time again and then find the difference to find out how long something took to execute. In Erlang, that generally looks something...
1. eprof:start() 2. eprof:profile([self()], Mod, Fun, Args) %启动待测试程序 3. eprof:stop_profiling() 4. eprof:analyse() 二、timer工具 timer模块中有tc函数用来测试某函数的执行时间,调用 timer:tc(Mod, Fun, Args) 即可测试Mod:Fun函数的执行时间,注意结果单位是微秒(μs,microsecond),...
今天无聊写了一个列表拼接两种方式的对比,主要是对比一下用“++”和“|”拼接列表的速度,书上说,“++”拼接列表是极为低效的操作。这里我用代码实现了一下,分别用两种方法生成N个零的列表: %%列表拼接对比 listsTimeCon(N)-> {TimeOne,_} = timer:tc(test,listsCon1,[N]), ...
2> timer:tc(myring, start, 1000000). %%Arguments = [term()] ** exception error: bad argument in function apply/3 called as apply(myring,start,1000000) in call from timer:tc/3 (timer.erl, line 194) 3> timer:tc(myring, start, [1000000]). ...
The functions in the timer module that do not manage timers (such as timer:tc/3 or timer:sleep/1), do not call the timer-server process and are therefore harmless. 2014-8-7 11:32:50 一则关于receive after 的测试 test1(Num)-> List = lists:seq(1,Num), [spawn(?MODULE,recev1,[])...
timer:tc/3计算方法的执行时间 这个构建简单的性能测试很方便 {'EXIT', Pid, Reason}退出消息的格式包含的信息:谁因为什么退出了 exit(Pid,normal) 这个消息会被进程忽略掉. process_flag(trap_exit, true).退出截获的决策当然是在生命周期的早期进行配置。所以一般出现在init阶段。
timer (stdlib) Timer FunctionsThis module provides useful functions related to time. Unless otherwise stated, time is always measured in milliseconds. All timer functions return immediately, regardless of work carried out by another process. Successful evaluations of the timer functions yield return ...