. uuid: an implement of UUID. 🟊 yecc - An LALR-1 parser generator for Erlang, similar to yacc. Takes a BNF grammar definition as input, and produces Erlang code for a parser.Asciidocasciideck: Asciidoc for Erlang.BERTaberth: Generic BERT-RPC server in Erlang. bert: BERT and BERT...
MODULE DEFINITION io 3 MODULE io Standard I O Server Interface Functions DESCRIPTION This module provides an interface to standard Erlang IO servers The output functions all return ok if they are suc 如果在你的操作系统上并不支持这个特性 那么就看 Erlang OTP 发行版本中的文档吧 或者是从 www ...
flatten_form_list/1. Note: this is simply a way of grouping source code forms as a single syntax tree, usually in order to form an Erlang module definition. See also: flatten_form_list/1, form_list_elements/1, is_form/1.form_list_elements(Node::syntaxTree()) -> [syntaxTree()]...
. uuid: an implement of UUID. 🟊 yecc - An LALR-1 parser generator for Erlang, similar to yacc. Takes a BNF grammar definition as input, and produces Erlang code for a parser.Asciidocasciideck: Asciidoc for Erlang.BERTaberth: Generic BERT-RPC server in Erlang. bert: BERT and BERT...
While it's not really incorrect, you're usingsupervisor:start_link/2, which doesn't register ...
tuples. Because of this, they're local to a module definition. Nobody outside of the module ...
If you want to eventually make friends, start a new guards module so we can type in the "correct" solution to the driving question:old_enough(X) when X >= 16 -> true; old_enough(_) -> false.And you're done! As you can see, this is much shorter and cleaner. Note that a ...
The syntax for type declaration in a module is:-type TypeName() :: TypeDefinition.As such, our tree could have been defined as:-type tree() :: {'node', tree(), tree(), any(), any()}.Or, by using a special syntax that allows to use variable names as type comments:...
The definition of sleep/1 in the following code is taken directly from the timer library module, while send_after will send a message to the calling process after Time milliseconds: -module(my_timer). -export([send_after/2, sleep/1, send/3]). send_after(Time, Msg) -> spawn(my_...
erlc -DNOTEST my_module.erl or by adding a macro definition to the code,before the EUnit header file is included: -define(NOTEST, 1).//这儿的值不重要,为1或true都没关系! 当你想关闭测试时有两种办法:一种是在编译时定义宏NOTEST, 或者在EUnit头文件被包含之前在源文件里增加对宏的声明。