erlang-ls.github.ioerlang-ls.github.ioPublic The source code for the Erlang LS website Shell415 vscodevscodePublic The Visual Studio Code Extension for the Erlang Language Server TypeScript7826 grammargrammarPublic TextMate grammar (also used by VS Code) for the Erlang programming language ...
/path/to/erlang_ls/_build/debug/bin/erlang_ls Once an instance of the server is running, find the name of the node in the logs or by running epmd -names. It will look something like: $ epmd -names epmd: up and running on port 4369 with data: name erlang_ls_62880311918 at port...
1. 从源码生成抽象码. erlc +”‘S’” mod.erl, 生成mod.S 2. 从beam生成Opcode. 未公开的功能. erts_debug:df 参数M或者 M, F, 生成mod.dis 来吧,实践下: root@ubuntu:~/exam# ls eg.erl root@ubuntu:~/exam# erlc +"'S'" eg.erl root@ubuntu:~/exam# erlc eg.erl root@ubuntu:~/exam...
构建脚本 Makefile 中的命令 `rebar3 as dap escriptize` 表示构建包含 Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) 调试信息的输出。 1. 2.
$ ls erts/emulator/hipe/ TODO hipe_amd64_primops.h hipe_bif0.c hipe_debug.c hipe_module.h hipe_ppc_glue.S hipe_sparc_abi.txt hipe_x86_abi.txt elf64ppc.x hipe_arch.h hipe_bif0.h hipe_debug.h hipe_native_bif.c hipe_ppc_glue.h hipe_sparc_asm.m4 hipe_x86_asm.m4 hipe_abi....
先备份php的配置文件和php-fpm的配置文件: [root@www ~]# cp /etc/php.ini{,.bak} [root@www ~]# cp /etc/php-fpm.conf{,.bak} [root@www ~]# cp /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf{,.bak} [root@www ~]# ls -l /etc/php.ini* /etc/php-fpm.conf* /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf* -rw-r-...
If you want to add your own applications or modules to the PLT, you can do so by using -r Directories, which will look for all .erl or .beam files (as long as they're compiled with debug_info) to add them to the PLT.Moreover, Dialyzer lets you have many PLTs by specifying them...
#lsgen-erl/hello_constants.hrl hello_thrift.erl hello_thrift.hrl hello_types.erl hello_types.hrl 打开hello_thrift.erl,里面就是: %% %%Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.1)%% %%DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING%%-module(hello_thrift).-behaviour(thrift_se...
[{_,Ls},{_,Ms}] <- [process_info(P,[links,monitors])], []==Ls,[]==Ms]. 或通过supervisor:count_children/1查看sup下进程数量和状态。 而如果是进程所占内存过高,则可将内存占用最高的几个进程找出来进行检查: recon:proc_count(memory, 10). % 打印占用内存最高的10个进程 ...码云) 是 OSCHINA.NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持 Git 和 SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过 1000 万的开发者选择 Gitee。