1,下面是application inets的代码目录,虽然ftp、tftp、http_client、http_lib、http_server、inets_app在这目录中并列,其实inets_app扮演顶层控制角色; 只有inets_app是一个application,而其他都是module---application的一部分并且需要application启动和管理。 [root@james src]# pwd/root/otp_src_17.5/lib/inets/src...
-module(helloworld). -export([start/0]). start() -> inets:start(), Pid = inets:start(httpd, [{port, 8081}, {server_name,"httpd_test"}, {server_root,"D://tmp"},{document_root,"D://tmp/htdocs"}, {bind_address, "localhost"}]), io:fwrite("~p",[Pid]). ...
Cowboy is a small, fast and modern HTTP server for Erlang/OTP.Goals Cowboy aims to provide a complete HTTP stack in a small code base. It is optimized for low latency and low memory usage, in part because it uses binary strings. Cowboy provides routing capabilities, selectively dispatching...
Cowboy 一句话介绍: Cowboy is a small, fast and modular HTTP server written in Erlang.使用Cow...
非常流行的HTTP框架,但是本身不支持websocket。 Yaws 这个是全功能的 HTTP server,足够健壮性、可扩展性 。适用于静态和动态页面,也支持websockets。但是对我的需求来说,有点杀鸡用牛刀。当然,如果没有其他方案好用,我肯定会选择这个。(译者注:Yaws也是我下一个要学习使用的产品) ...
Erlang cowboy 处理简单的HTTP请求 原文出自: Handling plain HTTP requests 处理请求的最简单的方式是写一个简单的HTTP处理器。它的模型参照Erlang/OTP的gen_server,但是做了简化,Cowboy按次序调用了3个回调函数。 Initialization 第一个回调,init/3,所有处理器都有这个函数,用于区分...
Gun aims to provide an easy to use client compatible with HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket. Gun can connect through any combination of Socks and HTTP proxies. Gun is always connected. It will maintain a permanent connection to the server, reopening it as soon as the server closes it, saving...
Chatterbox provides a moduleh2_connectionwhich models (you guessed it!) an HTTP/2 connection. This gen_statem can represent either side of an HTTP/2 connection (i.e. a clientorserver). Really, the only difference is in how you start the connection. ...
Misultin是一个Erlang开发包,用于构建快速、轻量级的 HTTP(S)服务器,而且还支持Websockets。它的特性: Veryfast HTTP and HTTPS Supports multipleWebsocketprotocols (draft-hixie-68, draft-hixie-76, draft-hybi-10 and draft-hybi-17) Cookies SessionVariables ...