Erlang for Excel installs eight Erlang B and Erlang C functions into Microsoft Excel: For example, if you want a cell to show the number of lines required to keep to your blocking target of 0.01 and your Busy Hour Traffic is in cell B6, you would enter this formula into the cell: =E...
but I cannot get excel to recognise the ‘agentno’ in the formula. Can you let me know which add-in I need to be able to get this to work.
The Erlang C formula is the most important part of the equation. It allows you to work out the probability that a call waits (Pw), given the Traffic Intensity (A) and the Number of Agents (N) available. It was named after the Danish Mathematician A.K. Erlang, who developed the Erlang...
This contact centre staffing Erlang calculator is a hybrid model based on both the Erlang C formula the Erlang A formula. The Erlang C formula was invented by the Danish Mathematician A.K. Erlang and is used to calculate the number of advisors and the service level. Call Abandons are calcula...
I have downloaded the Erlang for Excel add-In and created a spreadsheet using it. My colleague has also downloaded the plug-in but when she goes into the spreadsheet the formula come up with #name?. When you click on the cell there is a file path into my C Drive where the plug-in ...
Open with GitHub Desktop Download ZIP This branch is 179 commits behind h4cc:master. Pull request Compare Latest commit Git stats 1,756 commits Files Permalink Failed to load latest commit information. Type Name Latest commit message Commit time .github tests .editorconfig .gitignore...
the fine-print of the Erlang-C formula is beyond the scope of this guide1. In the sample spreadsheet, the probability to wait is computed in B12 using the ErlangC macro function implemented in Visual Basic. The ErlangC function takes two arguments, firstmthe number of agents and second u...
This is the spreadsheet to download This is the formulae that... jaybest Thread Jul 12, 2008 erlang excel 2007 helpdesk hold times mathematics Replies: 6 Forum: Excel Questions...
excellent - An OpenXL (Excel 2000) Parser for Elixir. xlsxir - Xlsx file parser with support for ISO 8601 date formats. Data is extracted to an Erlang Term Storage (ETS) table and is accessed through various functions. ORM and Datamapping Libraries that implement object-relational mapping or...
the fine-print of the Erlang-C formula is beyond the scope of this guide1. In the sample spreadsheet, the probability to wait is computed in B12 using the ErlangC macro function implemented in Visual Basic. The ErlangC function takes two arguments, firstmthe number of agents and second u...