要编译代码,请确保C编译器知道在哪里查找erl_interface.h,方法是-I在命令行上指定适当的参数,或将其添加到CFLAGS您的定义中Makefile。这条道路的正确值是$OTPROOT/lib/erl_interface-$EIVSN/include,其中: $OTPROOT是上code:root_dir/0例中报告的路径。
自早期版本的Erl_Interface以来,ErlMessage的定义已经发生了变化。 type标识消息的类型,如下所示: ERL_SEND 发生了普通的发送操作,并且emsg->包含收件人的pid。 该消息在emsg-> msg中。 ERL_REG_SEND 已注册的发送操作已经发生,并且emsg->from包含发件人的PID。信息在emsg->msg中。
1-8Switches among various render modes, with 2 being the standard one. You can see the list of render mode names in the control interface. There are many controls in theinstant-ngpGUI. First, note that this GUI can be moved and resized, as can the "Camera path" GUI (which first must...
GSinterface(1) gslp(1) gsnd(1) gsoelim(1) gstrip(1g) gtbl(1) gtf(1) gtroff(1) guards(1) guile-config(1) guile-snarf(1) guile-tools(1) guile(1) gunzip(1) gvcolor(1) gvedit(1) gvgen(1) gvmap(1) gvmap.sh(1) gvpack(1) gvpr(1) gxditview(1) gxl2gv(1) gzcat(...
$currentUser = erLhcoreClassUser::instance();if($currentUser->isLogged()) { $user_id = $currentUser->getUserID(); } }if($user_id !==false) { $value = CSCacheAPC::getMem()->getSession('settings_user_id_'. $user_id .'_'. $identifier,true);if($value ===false&& ($value ...
開發者ID:my-instantcms,項目名稱:livehelperchat,代碼行數:31,代碼來源:syncadmininterface.php 示例5: hasAccessToRead ▲點讚 1▼ publicstaticfunctionhasAccessToRead($chat){ $currentUser = erLhcoreClassUser::instance(); $userData = $currentUser->getUserData(true);if($userData->all_departments ==...
As of erts version 5.9 old drivers has to be recompiled and has to use the extended interface. They also has to be adjusted to the 64-bit capable driver interface. The driver calls back to the emulator, using the API functions declared in erl_driver.h. They are used for outputting dat...
megaco_udpInterface module to UDP transport protocol for Megaco/H.248. megaco_userCallback module for users of the Megaco application mnesia[application] mnesiaA distributed telecommunications DBMS mnesia_frag_hashDefines mnesia_frag_hash callback behavior mnesia_registryDump support for registries in er...
io (stdlib) Standard IO Server Interface FunctionsThis module provides an interface to standard Erlang IO servers. The output functions all return ok if they are successful, or exit if they are not. 这个模块提供了标准Erlang IO服务器的接口. 如果成功的话输出函数都返回ok, 或者如果不是就退出. ...
1. Erl_Interface User's Guide ei ei_connect erl_connect erl_error erl_eterm erl_format erl_global erl_malloc erl_marshal registry Erlangerl_interfaceei_connect C库 ei_connect 库摘要 与分布式Erlang进行通信。 描述 该模块使C程序能够使用Erlang分布在TCP / IP上与Erlang节点进行通信。