Envenoming by the viperid snake Eristophis macmahonni . Toxicon 2005; 46 : 918–20den Enden Erwin V, Emmanuel B. Envenoming by the viperid snake Eristicophis macmahonii . Toxicon. 2005; 46 :918–920.VAN DEN ENDEN E., BOTTIEAU E. Envenoming by the viperid snake Eristicophis ...
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macmahonii venom [18]. Further discrepancies between E. macmahonii venom proteome and protease activity were evident in its apparent lack of PLA2 activity, despite this toxin class having previously been identified in E. macmahonii venom [18]. However, vipers commonly express both enzymatic and...
macmahonii also induced coagulation, though this did not appear to be via the activation of factor X or prothrombin. The coagulant properties of P. fieldi and P. persicus venoms varied among plasmas, demonstrating strong anticoagulant activity in the amphibian and human plasmas but no significant...
Figure 1.Image and corresponding diet (prey animals depicted in snakes’ order of preference) of (A)Eristicophis macmahonii(image: Tim Vickers); (B)Pseudocerastes fieldi(image: Gabriel Martinez Del Marmol); (C)Pseudocerastes persicus(image: Laura and Bobby Bok); (D)Pseudocerastes urarachnoid...