Eris Size Erissize compared to theMoonandEarth Facts about the Dwarf Planet Eris Eris was once considered for the position of tenth planet. Eris is the most massive dwarf planet in theSolar System, exceedingPluto’smass by 28%. As such, it was a serious contender to be a tenth planet bu...
France) and his team were able calculate the diameter of Eris in 2010. The occultation was caused by Eris moving past a background star, which blocked the star’s light and cast a small shadow on Earth. When Sicardy and his team compared the ...
I had another try at Eris last night - this time I took 31 frames x 40sec for a total integration time of 20.6 minutes as compared to the 7 minutes on my first effort. Even with nearly 3 times the exposure (integration) it was still incredibly faint. The post-processing required this ...
Listening space reductions (LSR) were greater for fishes compared to crustaceans, for which LSR varied by day and night, due to their greater hearing abilities. Listening space also varied by sound modality for the two fish species, highlighting the importance of considering both sound pressure ...
Now. Since Polish tapwater is dubious, they have a huge market for bottled water. Or, at least, a huge market compared to that of Finland, where undrinkable tap water is a national news headline. (Not kidding; a while ago there was a problem with the pipes of a town, and it was ...