埃里克森的社会心理发展阶段,正如埃里克·埃里克森与琼·埃里克森在20 世纪下半叶所阐明的那样,是一个综合的精神分析理论,它确定了一个健康发展的个体从婴儿期应该经历的一系列八个阶段到成年后期。根据埃里克森的理论,每个阶段的结果,无论...
Erik Erikson was a German psychologist whotheorizedthat there's a specific psychological struggle that takes place through the eight stages of a person's life. These struggles, he believed, contribute to your personality throughout your development. In what became known as the eight stages of ...
Stage2:ageof2or3Stage2:ageof2or3 Autonomyvs.shame&doubtAutonomyvs.shame&doubt Self-competence Appropriateactionsbycaregivers canhelptoestablishabasic attitudeof“Icandoit” Inthisperiod,childrenlearnmuch, liketoclimb,walk,speak,etc. theybegintodoornottodo ...
Erikson's Stages of Development is a comprehensive psychoanalytic theory that describes human development in 8 stages.
What are Erikson’s stages of development? Learn about Erikson life stages, psychosocial development theory, and the history and contributions to...
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Erik Erikson - Stages of Psychosocial DevelopmentPiaget&aposs Stages of Development
Erik Erikson was an ego psychologist who developed one of the most popular and influential theories of development. While his theory was impacted by psychoanalystSigmund Freud's work, Erikson's theory centered on psychosocial development rather thanpsychosexual development. The stages that make up his ...