埃里希·奥尔巴赫(Erich Auerbach)文/Georges MOLINIÉ 译/亚历山大里亚 本文翻译自Encyclopædia Universalis(法国综合大百科全书)的奥尔巴赫条目,撰写者为巴黎四大法语系主任Georges MOLINIÉ。这篇短文是为百科全书写的条目,尽管只有1000来词,但意思较难理解,所用的句式也偏复杂,将其转换成中文绝非易事。但作者...
No Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF03374981Fritz SchalkJ.B. MetzlerDeutsche Vierteljahrsschrift Für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte
Erich Auerbach (1892–1957) was one of the most important literary historians and comparativists of his generation. Though his work was grounded in philology and the close analysis of texts, he introduced into comparative studies a crucial historical dimension that has gained renewed importance in ...
The article focuses on the space of the comic in Mimesis, an essay that sets its foundation on the serious, tragic, and problematic treatment of the everyday. Placing Auerbach within his ideological horizon and briefly reconstructing his intellectual genealogy, the analysis interrogat...
In this chapter, I shall examine Northrop Frye's Anatomy of Criticism (1957) and Erich Auerbach's Mimesis (1953). Neither book is primarily concerned with the English novel, but both influenced the way that the novel has been taught in England and America for the past twenty-five years. ...
Whatever degree of freedom thevon der wir sprechen könnenZakai, A. (2015). Constructing and representing reality: Hegel and the making of Erich Auerbach's mimesis. Digital Philology A Journal of Medieval Cultures, 4(1), 106-133.
doi:10.1007/978-1-349-08068-7_7These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.Schwarz, Daniel R.
Keywords: Auerbach; émigrés; cosmopolitanism; Judeo-Christian; typology; Holocaust; figura; Akedah; Mimesis; everydayness 1. Introduction Among the Jewish émigrés who sought sanctuary in World War II on the outskirts of the old continent, in Istanbul University, was literary historian and ...