厂牌:Ark21 Records / Favored Nations / Capitol Records / Warner Bros 流派:New Age / 摇滚 / instrumental rock / rock 擅长乐器:吉他 / 钢琴 语言:英语 职业:音乐人 关注286人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· Eric Johnson (born August 17, 1954) is a Grammy Award winning guitarist and recording ...
Eric Johnson has long been known as a consummate tone-seeker. The Texas guitarist began playing at a young age, influenced by not only the rock ferocity of Jimi Hendrix and the bluesy soul of Albert King, but also such diverse artists as Chet Atkins and the Beatles. ...
Eric Johnson是在一九五四年八月十七日出生于专门产生有名吉他手的美国德州Austin。自五岁开始学习钢琴,十岁开始接触吉他。之后,曾经连续三年获选家 乡Austin Music Award最佳电吉他手,六年最佳空心吉他手。并在1990年GuitarPlayer杂志年度读者票选中,与另一名吉他高手Steve Vai并列为最佳全能吉他手(Best...
并在1990年Guitar Player杂志年度读者票选中,与另一名吉他高手Steve Vai并列为最佳全能吉他手(Best Overall Guitarist)。也被Musician杂志选为二十世纪最具影响力的100位吉他手之一。 经过了多年的学习与实践埃里克·约翰逊于1979年录制了其个人的第一张专辑《Seven Worlds》,但由于合约问题这张专辑并未如期出版(《...
并在1990年Guitar Player杂志年度读者票选中,与另一名吉他高手Steve Vai并列为最佳全能吉他手 (Best Overall Guitarist)。也被Musician杂志选为二十世纪最具影响力的100位吉 他手之一。 在1986年他推出了第一张个人专辑"Tones",其中单曲"Zap"曾获得当年葛莱美 奖提名。1990年推出第二张专辑"Ah Via ...
GRAMMY Award-winning guitarist Eric Johnson and the makers of Blues Cube amplifiers have co-produced the new Eric Johnson Blues Cube Tone Capsule. Eric’s expert audio design delivers texture, voicing, and a rich tone giving Blues Cube an amazing likeness of Eric’s remarkable sound. Eric’s ...
Eric Johnson:Yes. Kaki’s a really fine solo acoustic guitar player. She has a new record out that’s doing really well. And Johnny A’s an instrumental electric guitarist who does some really interesting eclectic music. I met Johnny on the East Coast a couple of years ago. He came out...
Eric Johnson The Tone Ranger--Stuck to His Guns.Features guitarist Eric Johnson. Career as a music artist; Awards received by Johnson; Information on his choice of equipment.PointMichaelEBSCO_AspDownbeat
吉他大师EricJohnson各个专辑简介 专辑简介编译:LittleE ---转自于吉他中国论坛 Electromagnets(1975)byElectromagnets . Eric早期参与的乐队及同名专辑《Electromagnets》 . 专辑曲目: 01.HawaiianPunch 02.Motion 03.DryIce 04.Blackhole 05.Salem 06.MinusMufflers 07...