Health sciences Comparison of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) on fall reduction in nursing home residents THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE Meredith Troutman-Jordan WaldropMy LinhVitamin D has been proven to reduce fall rates by 15%-20% for nursing home ...
2.Vitamin D2, orergocalciferol, is derived from a similar plant sterol, and the resulting molecule has slight structural differences that distinguish it from D3. 维生素D2(或称为麦角钙化醇,ergocalciferol)则是源自一个类似的植物性固醇,且分子结构与维生素D3略有差别。
1.Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is more readily absorbed by the body and more potent than vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, the form often found in multivitamins. 2.Ergocalciferol at high levels also is toxic to chickness. 高水平的麦角钙化醇对鸡也是有毒害的. ...
Ergocalciferol-d3 (Vitamin D2) ,1217448-46-8,供应厂家CATO标准品。提供标准品,对照品价格等详细信息:
Related to ergocalciferol:vitamin D3 er·go·cal·cif·er·ol (ûr′gō-kăl-sĭf′ə-rôl′, -rōl′) n. Seevitamin D2. [ergo(t)+calciferol.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company...
Compared to such native vitamin D agents as cholecalciferol (D3), egocalciferol (D2), and calcifediol (25- hydroxy vitamin D3, which need 1-alpha hydroxylase to be activated, 1-alpha-ergocalciferol, also known as doxercalciferol, is a synthetically manufactured vitamin D analog used for ...
VITAMIN D2 (ERGOCALCIFEROL) (6,19,19-D3, 97%) 基本情報More.. 化学名:VITAMIN D2 (ERGOCALCIFEROL) (6,19,19-D3, 97%) 英語化学名:VITAMIN D2 (ERGOCALCIFEROL) (6,19,19-D3, 97%) 别名: VITAMIN D2 (ERGOCALCIFEROL) (6,19,19-D3, 97%) CAS番号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS: Mol...
That said, intervention studies investigating bone status longitudinally have used inadequate ergocalciferol (D2)/cholecalciferol (D3) doses of less than 3000 IU/day [31], while at present, there is consensus that oral doses of 50,000 IU D3 weekly for at least eight weeks are likely needed...
VITAMIN D2 (ERGOCALCIFEROL) (6,19,19-D3, 97%) 中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB42741424 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商0 VITAMIN D2 (ERGOCALCIFEROL) (6,19,19-D3, 97%)化学性质 安全信息 VITAMIN D2 (ERGOCALCIFEROL) (6,19,19-D3, 97%)性质、用途与...
In the liver, cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol are converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D2, respectively. Together, these are referred to as 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D (see Fig. 11.1). With normal levels of vitamin D intake, 25(OH)D production by the hepatic ...