关键词 : 转录因子 ;植物发育 ;次生代谢 ;胁迫应答 ;信号传导 DOI :10.13560/j.cnki.biotech.bull.1985.2017-1142 Research Progress on Plant AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Family ZHANG Qi CHEN Jing LI Li ZHAO Ming-zhu ZHANG Mei-ping WANG Yi (1. College of Life Science,Jilin Agricultural University...
1)ERF transcription factorERF转录因子 1.ERF transcription factors family is one of the large transcription factors family that involve in the biotic and abiotic responses.ERF转录因子家族参与植物的生物胁迫和非生物胁迫的应答,是同植物抗逆应答密切相关的一类转录因子大家族。 英文短句/例句 1.Isolation and...
Drought stressERF transcription factorPoplarVascular structureWater metabolismSTRESS TOLERANCEDEFICIT STRESSRESPONSESGENOTYPESDrought is a major abiotic stress that restricts plant growth and development. The AP2/ERF transcription factors (TFs) have been proven to play a unique role in plant growth and ...
28、9(4):512-525.27 li z,zhang l,yu y,et al.the ethylene response factor aterf11 that is transcriptionally modulated by the bzip transcription factor hy5 is a crucial repressor for ethylene biosynthesis in arabidopsisj.the plant journal,2011,68(1):88-99.28 lai y,dang f,lin j,et al.ov...
2022年5月19日,扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院陶俊和赵大球教授团队共同在Plant, Cell & Environment(IF=7.79)杂志上发表了题为“Herbaceous peony AP2/ERF transcription factor binds the promoter of the tryptophan decarboxylase gene to enhance high-temperature stress tolerance”的研究性论文。
近日,Horticulture Research在线发表了中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所特色林木资源育种与培育创新团队题为LcERF19, an AP2/ERF transcription factor from Litsea cubeba, positively regulates geranial and neral biosynthesis的研究论文。 ...
Research Progress of ERF Transcription Factors in Regulating Biological Stress Responses SHAO Wen-jing1,2( ), SHI Jie3, ZHANG Pu2, LANG Ming-lin1,2( ) RichHTML 52 PDF (PC) 806 摘要/Abstract 摘要: ERF家族是植物所特有的APETALA2 / 乙烯响应因子(APETALA2 / ethylene-responsive factor,AP2 /...
近日,山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院王小非教授团队在《Plant Cell & Environment》在线发表了题为“The AP2/ERF transcription factor MdDREB2A regulates nitrogen utilisation and sucrose transport under drought stress”的研究论文,揭示了AP2/ERF转录因子MdDREB2A调控干旱胁迫下的氮素利用和蔗糖转运的分子机制。
ORA47 (octadecanoid-responsive AP2/ERF- domain transcription factor 47) regulates jasmonic acid and abscisic acid biosynthesis and signaling through bin- ding to a novel cis-element. New Phytol 211, 599–613. © 植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany 洪林等: AP2/ERF转录因子调控植物非生物胁迫...