15 m (Attack Titan form)[13][14][15] Weight 63 kg (850)[10]82 kg (854)[11] Relatives Yeager family Grisha Yeager (father, deceased) Carla Yeager (mother, deceased) Zeke Yeager (half-brother, deceased) Yeager (grandfather) Mrs. Yeager (grandmother) Faye Yeager (aunt, deceased) ...
I’m actually used to spelling it Eren Yeager at this point so I’ll probably update the name at some point. Either way, Eren is just the better character by far. He has his low moments, but his highs are much better than Cade and he is certainly more determined. His Titan mode wou...
1)Founding Titan This Titan was introduced in season 2 episode 12, and its users were Karl Fritz, Ymir Fritz, Frieda Reiss, Uri Reiss, Grisha Yeager, and Eren Jaeger. This is the most powerful Titan of the lot. Who is Eren's crush? Eren notably displays far less anger towardsAnnieafter...
Other spellings Eren Yeager[12] Biological Information Species Human, Intelligent Titan Gender Male Age 15 (850)[3] 19 (854) Height 15 m (Titan form)[13][14] Relatives Jaeger family Grisha Jaeger (father, deceased) Carla Jaeger (mother, deceased) Zeke Jaeger (half-brother, deceased...