Other spellings Eren Yeager[12] Biological Information Species Human, Intelligent Titan Gender Male Age 15 (850)[3] 19 (854) Height 15 m (Titan form)[13][14] Relatives Jaeger family Grisha Jaeger (father, deceased) Carla Jaeger (mother, deceased) Zeke Jaeger (half-brother, deceased...
Who would win Eren Jaeger or Cade Yeager Eren Jaeger Cade Yeager VoteView ResultsCrowdsignal.com I’m actually used to spelling it Eren Yeager at this point so I’ll probably update the name at some point. Either way, Eren is just the better character by far. He has his low moments, ...
12. “On your feet, Dad. You’re not done yet.”— Eren Yeager 13. “Fight to live, risk it all for even a glimmer of real freedom!”— Eren Yeager 14. “I don’t want to die inside these walls without knowing what’s out there.”— Eren Yeager 15. “How come you get looke...
Eren Yeager (エレン・イェーガー Eren Yēgā?) was a former member of the Survey Corps. He was the main protagonist of Attack on Titan. He lived in Shiganshina District with his parents until the fall of Wall Maria, where he impotently witnessed his mother being eaten by a Titan.[33...