Other spellings Eren Yeager[12] Biological Information Species Human, Intelligent Titan Gender Male Age 15 (850)[3] 19 (854) Height 170 cm (850)[13]15 m (Titan form)[14][15] Weight 63 kg (850)[13] Relatives Jaeger family Grisha Jaeger (father, deceased) Carla Jaeger (mother...
Name Eren Yeager Other Names エレン・イェーガー, Eren Jäger, Eren Jaeger Wealth 62 Role Protagonist From Attack on Titan Media Type anime Voiced By Bryce Papenbrook, Bryce Austin Papenbrook, Voiced By Yuuki Kaji, 梶裕貴, かじ ゆうき Voiced By Lucas Almeida, , Tags uniform, belt,...
Cade Yeager View Results Crowdsignal.com I’m actually used to spelling it Eren Yeager at this point so I’ll probably update the name at some point. Either way, Eren is just the better character by far. He has his low moments, but his highs are much better than Cade and he is cert...
ErenYeager 随笔- 121, 文章 - 0, 评论 - 0, 阅读 - 22027 Html - 表单form,input的type属性与其它属性 1.form属性 <form action="请求URL" method="请求方式" name="表单域的名称 类似于注释"> </form> 2.表单 input <form action="请求URL" method="请求方式" name="表单域的名称 类似于注释"...
1.事件内置对象全部属性 属性 描述 type 事件的类型,如onlick中的click; srcElement/target 事件源,就是发生事件的元素; button 声明被按下的鼠标键,整数,1代表左键,2代表右键,4代表中键,如果按下多个键,酒把这些值加起来,所以3就代表左右键同时按下;(f