「新品」大大大平板!13.3英寸墨水屏平板Not-eReader 133诞生了
其中,Ereader 分页阅读已成为主流阅读方式之一。本文将为您详细介绍 Ereader 分页阅读的体验及相关技术。 什么是 Ereader 分页阅读 Ereader 分页阅读是指将电子书文件按页进行分割,并将每一页以图片或网页的形式呈现给用户。用户可以通过分页阅读器来浏览、翻页、暂停、快速跳转等操作,从而实现类似纸质书籍的阅读体验。
BOOX Tab Ultra C 10.3" ereader tablet eink PC color ereader $599.99 Min. order: 1 set 10.3 inch BOOX epaper tablet PC support fingerprint recognition and password setting good for business use and work from home $599.99 - $600.00
eReader 1.3 (for iPhone).The article presents a review of the eReader 1.3 software application for the iPhone smartphone from Apple Inc.MuchmoreMichaelPC Magazine
aAdditionally, Carimali gives its employee one day more leave for every TWO years of service in the Company. This additional paid leave can go up to 5 days. 另外, Carimali在公司中给它的雇员一天更多事假每二年服务。 这个另外的不扣薪水假期可以去5天。[translate] ...
color:gray;system:Android 11;memory:3+32GB;resolution:1448*1072;Screen:6 inch;Speaker:single Speaker;Bluetooth:BT 4.2;Battery:1750mAh lithium polymer;Type:Tablet PC;Warranty(Year):1-Year;Screen Size:Other;Scenarios:For Professional;charging interface:USB
To highlight text on Kindle for PC/Mac, first select text as you would in any PC/Mac application. When you release the mouse, a menu pops up with 4 color dots at the top.Choose one of the color dots and it will convert your selected texts into a highlight of that color. ...
The built-in Wifi together with the PocketBook Cloud, Dropbox PocketBook, and Send-to-PocketBook services allow easy delivery of e-content onto the e-reader without connecting it to a PC. One cool thing is that the preinstalled Abbyy Lingvo dictionaries offer 24 language combinations for reading...
双十一首发:大上科技Not-eReader 墨水屏,是大平板也是显示器!近年来,电子书阅读器的市场需求不断增长,消费者对于阅读体验和便捷性的要求也越来越高。为了满足用户的需求,大上科技推出了一款名为Not-eReader13.3英寸墨水屏的产品。该产品搭载了一块13.3英寸墨水屏幕,配备了Carta 1250面板,分辨率达到了2K水平...
(磨砂雾面屏版本的墨水屏平板Not-eReader 103)一块好的磨砂屏,关键在于雾度。雾度如果太大,看起来就会很模糊,比如某友商的屏幕为了磨砂而磨砂,导致屏幕颗粒感太重,显示效果不如人意;雾度如果太小,就无法体现磨砂屏防眩光的优势。精益求精,我们死磕显示效果,力争做到既能让文字边缘显示清晰锐利,又能减少...