Hydrogen-rich inclusions of lateral dimensions 50–100 μm have been found and analysed quantitatively by depth resolved hydrogen area maps and line scans. The laterally averaged hydrogen content and its depth profile were also characterized by the 1H(15N, αγ)12C reaction. The observed hydrogen-...
I Introduction, maps 1-996. (1986) Koeltz Scientific Books, Köningstein, 498 pp. Google Scholar 46. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth edition adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences.ICZN International Commision on Zoological Nomenclature (1999) The International ...
[CrossRef] Publisher's Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. © 2020 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative ...
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Thus, the results of soil erosion susceptibility maps with a better success rate and forecast could be beneficial and effective for implementing various policy measures to safeguard soil. They could be useful for managing gully erosion risks in different parts of the river basin....
After calibration and validation of the model, the main conclusions of the study revealed five representative maps made from the results of the water level heights generated by Telemac2d for the events with different return periods. The final synthetic map presents the development ...
Eighteen groundwater-related factors were collected and extracted from topographic data, geological data, satellite imagery, and published maps. About 60 groundwater data of transmissivity were randomly split into a training dataset, 70% was used for training the model and the remaining 30% for ...
The integration of the thematic maps of the various factors makes it possible to identify the impact of each factor in the erosion, to classify the sensitive zones, and to quantify the soil losses in the basin. This mapping will be an important tool for land use ...
The oxygen and carbon PIXE elemental maps can also be used to identify the organic- and inorganic-rich regions of the otolith. The calcium map was found to be more homogeneous because the otolith structure is averaged in a larger depth. The trace elements Fe, Zn and Sr were detected only ...