ERCP时行胆胰管造影可发现胰胆管汇流的异常,与磁共振胰胆管成像(magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, MRCP)相比,ERCP在鉴别小胆管和副肝管异常方面具有优势,对后期的根治手术具有指导意义[ 24 ]。但ERCP内引流也存在着一定的局限性和缺点。大部分医疗中心只能提供成人标准的十二指肠镜,使得对10月龄以下患儿...
ERCP vs. MRCP A magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, MRCP for short, is similar to an ERCP. But an ERCP is an invasive test and an MRCP is not. With an ERCP, a doctor has to insert an endoscope through your mouth to do the test. An MRCP isn't invasive; there is no endosco...
19 complications occurred in the MRCP group in 15 (18%) patients with a total length of stay of 79 days (0.98 d/patient randomized) vs 14 in the ERCP group in 10 (13%) patients accounting for a total of 63 days in hospital (0.79 d/patient randomized); a difference of 5% of patien...
纳入标准 :原发性胆总管 结石行ERCP 取石术患者;不伴有严重心肺肝肾损害及优思弗服用禁忌者;有条件定 [5] 期复查肝肾功及结石复发情况者;排除标准 :随访资料不完整;取石术后发生结石 80 140 MRCP 残留、严重并发症甚至死亡者;孕妇及 岁以上老年人。 例患者均经 或 腹部CT、B 超确诊胆总管结石,且无严重...
因此,在对老年MOJ患者行ERCP治疗时,术前应充分阅读CT或MRCP等影像学特征,并做好与患者家属的沟通工作,一旦操作失败,及时采取有效的补救措施显得至关重要。 PTCD是经皮穿刺肝内梗阻近端扩张的胆管而放置引流管达到外引流胆汁为目的的一种术式,直接避开了ERCP插管失败的问题,同时还可尝试沿导丝在胆管狭窄段放置内支架...
1.1 一般资料 选择我院肝胆外科2010年6月至2014年6月经腹部彩超、MRCP、腹部CT及肝功能化验确诊为胆总管结石的患者38例,所有患者均无胰腺炎及高淀粉酶血症病史,其中男性20例,女性18例,平均年龄(50±15)岁,均符合ERCP治疗标准。采用随机数表法随机分为两组各19例,观察组中男性10例,女性9例,其中胆囊结石合并胆...
1.2 入选、排除标准 入选标准:(1)CT、MRCP均证实胆总管结石致结石性梗阻性黄疸。(2)术前评估身体一般状况较好,能够耐受手术。(3)能充分了解ERCP或PTCD的手术方式,理解及愿意承担手术的潜在并发症及其他风险。(4)临床资料完整者。(4)患者及其家属同意参与此研究。排除标准:(1)心、肺等脏器患有严重疾病者。(2)...
Prior to the ERCP, MRCP was obtained from all patients to guide the endoscopic intervention. Results: At baseline, there was no significant difference in terms of the patient's age, gender, symptoms and liver function tests among the three groups (P>0.05). The complication rates were ...