Pancreaze (pancrelipase) is used to treat exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Includes Pancreaze ... Reviews & ratings 4 Reviews View more Albutein Albutein is used for burns, external, hypoproteinemia, pancreatitis, peritonitis, postoperative ... Reviews & ratings Add a review View more ...
METHODS:Through participating in consultation of sepsis treatment for a patient with acute attack of chronic pancreatitis after ERCP,according to repeated fever dur- ing treatment,clinical pharmacists suggested using cefoperazone and sulbactam 3.0 g,ivgtt,q8 h;imipenem 0.5 g,ivgtt,q8 h or q6 h;Pail...
Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) Infection Bleeding Perforation—accidentally making a hole with the instruments used during the procedure—is an especially serious complication that can be life-threatening. When perforation occurs, a surgeon is typically consulted to urgently repair the damage....
Pancreatitis-- irritation or swelling (inflammation) of the pancreas Infection Patients getting an ERCP for treatment, such as for gallstone removal, face a higher risk of complications than patients undergoing the test to diagnose a problem. Your doctor will discuss the risks of possible complication...
How an ERCP is Performed What is an ERCP Procedure? Reasons for ERCP Diagnostic ERCP Therapeutic ERCP ERCP Side Effects Bleeding after ERCP Death after ERCP ERCP Infection Pancreatitis Complications Pancreatitis after ERCP Pancreatitis Bleeding Pancreatitis Management Pancreatitis Symptoms ERCP Risk Facto...
Early ERCP and Papillotomy Compared with concersvative treatmetn for acute biliary pancreatitisBaillie, J
L. et al. Risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis: A prospective multicenter study. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 101, 139–147. (2006). 17. Zhang, W., Liu, X. & Zheng, B. Virtual reality simulation in ...
Complications (16/129, 12.4%): pancreatitis (N=4), bleeding (N=1), perforation (surgery N=1, non-operative N=1), other (N=9). Preliminary follow-up in 84/129 (65%) for a mean of 6.5 months. In pts with failed ERCP, 15 had PTC and 8 gastric bypass patients had laparoscopy-...
endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP); post-ERCP pancreatitis; pharmacological prevention; mechanical prevention; combined prevention 1. Introduction Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) is an important procedure to diagnose and treat hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases. ...