ERCFv2 PDF Manual BOM You can find a Bill of Materials (BOM) and a convenient printed parts tracker for the project and options here. Note that the BOM also contains an upgrade list for those of you who want to use your existing ERCF v1.1 kits. Please make a copy and edit the "Fi...
Packing list: as show in the picture(depend on your choice,if you have any questions about the package list,please contract the store cstomer service printed part stl link: If you want to know more information,...
(I use a 1mm thick printed washer on the 8mm rods. See my repro for ERCF hacks). Finally it is important to experiement and tune the `driver_SGTHRS` value which is the point at which the TMC driver detects the stepper has stalled. Lower values are less sensitive (selector can ram...
ERCFv2 PDF Manual BOM You can find a Bill of Materials (BOM) and a convenient printed parts tracker for the project and options here. Note that the BOM also contains an upgrade list for those of you who want to use your existing ERCF v1.1 kits. Please make a copy and edit the "Fi...
ERCFv2 PDF Manual BOM You can find a Bill of Materials (BOM) and a convenient printed parts tracker for the project and options here. Note that the BOM also contains an upgrade list for those of you who want to use your existing ERCF v1.1 kits. Please make a copy and edit the "Fi...
ERCFv2 PDF Manual BOM You can find a Bill of Materials (BOM) and a convenient printed parts tracker for the project and options here. Note that the BOM also contains an upgrade list for those of you who want to use your existing ERCF v1.1 kits. Please make a copy and edit the "Fi...