ERC President Professor Maria Leptin said: "It is part of our mission to give early-career talent the independence to pursue ambitiouscuriosity-drivenresearch that can shape our future. In this latest round of Starting Grants, we saw one of the highest shares of female grantees to date, which...
芬兰阿尔托大学ERC GEOCLOUD项目2024年招聘博士后 阿尔托大学(Aalto University,简称:Aalto)位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基,是一所古老而创新力强的北欧著名高等学府,为北欧五校联盟成员之一。阿尔托大学校名是为表彰和纪念在科技、经济及艺术领域作出重大贡献的芬兰籍世界著名建筑大师阿尔瓦·阿尔托。现任校长为世界杰出计算机与人工智能...
a new European Research Council Advanced Grant project. Outsourcing computation to cloud providers can be economically efficient while at the same time generating new systemic risks and dependencies that governments try to manage. GEOCLOUD is
(C2 project to Tom Francart and Hugo Van hamme), by a PhD Grant (1S89620N) of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 637424, ERC starting Grant to Tom...
This project, supported by an ERC Starting Grant, investigates the dynamics of charitable food provision in three distinct welfare and civil society regimes—Italy, Japan, and the Netherlands. Each PhD candidate will focus on one country and conduct fieldwork in one of the three cities, Palermo ...
The Starting (StG), Consolidator (CoG) and Advanced Grant (AdG) programmes of the European Research Council are among the most prestigious funding calls in Europe. Open to individual applicants from all scientific disciplines, they provide generous support for grantees to perform ground-breaking rese...
after a massively subscribed 2013 Consolidator Grant call, the demand is back to the level of the previous years. This also means that the success rate in this call is likely to be more encouraging, probably around 15%. This is good news. Although it is difficult to identify with certainly...
The scientists’ potential solution is a new catalyst that can convert lactic acid into acrylic acid more efficiently. Lactic acid is a classic renewable starting material, produced by bacteria growing in vats of biomass such as glucose and starch from plants. In laboratory studies, the scientists...
"It is part of our mission to give early-career talent the independence to pursue ambitiouscuriosity-drivenresearch that can shape our future. In this latest round of Starting Grants, we saw one of the highest shares of female grantees to date, which I hope will continue to rise. Congratula...