Only ERC Today is committed to 100% IRS compliance - Let us give you a no-cost, no-obligation eligibility analysis today for your Employee Retention Credit!
If an IRS agent does not sign off on your ERC application, you could be fully responsible for paying back any awarded credit, along with possible interest and fines. Overall, this is a risky place to be in with the IRS. Instead, a legitimate ERC submission should be vetted by a trusted...
国税局于2023年9月14日突然宣布:停止受理「员工留任税收抵免」(Employee Retention Credit,简称ERC)申请,提前15个月让这个备受争议、欺诈充斥的联邦资金援助项目「寿终正寝」。 拜登总统于2020年3月27日签署的「新冠援助法案」(The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, & Economic Security Act ,简称CARES),首次为雇主提供「...
On September 14, 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced a moratorium on processing new Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims. In its News Release, the IRS stated that the moratorium is due to “rising concerns about a flood of improper Employee Retention Credit cl...
1️⃣ ERC全称为Employee Retention Credit(员工保留税收抵免) 2️⃣ 属于美国政府于2020年推出的新冠病毒援助、救济与经济安全法案之一(CARES法案),旨在奖励在疫情期间支持就业的企业 3️⃣ERC不是贷款,不需要偿还 它是一种税收抵免。同时,之前申请过PPP的企业仍然可以申请ERC ...
In December 2023, the IRS launched the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program. This innovative solution allows employers who have received ERC refunds to return a portion of them and avoid penalty. Update August 20, 2024: The IRS has opened a second Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Voluntary Disclosure...
Employee Retention Tax Credit If you retained employees during the Covid-19 Pandemic, your company is eligible to get an IRS tax refund of $26,000 per employee, regardless of whether your business declined or not. Complete the ERC Survey below to find out if you qualify. ERC Survey...
The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a federal payroll tax credit designed to retain small business employees. Learn more about ERC services with Aprio.
Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Helping you keep what you reap℠ Congress created the ERC to reward businesses for continuing to employ staff during the worst of COVID’s impact in 2020 and 2021. As of November 2023, the IRS has paid over $230 billion and the program is among the ...
Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Update – Voluntary Disclosure Program Reopened, IRS Special Withdrawal Program Restarts for a Limited Time, and Agency Continues Compliance Work At a glance The full story: On August 15, 2024, the IRS announced additional updates to the Employee Retention Credit (ER...