任何国籍的研究人员,在完成博士学位后有2-7年的工作经验(在某些情况下可以延期--见最新的ERC工作计划),有显示出巨大前景的科学记录和优秀的研究计划。 2023年起Starting and Consolidator Grant Calls资助申请者应注意,计算资格期限的参考日期有了变化,即参考日期是成功博士答辩,而不是获得博士证书日期。 如果博士证书...
The ERC grants are awarded in different categories: Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy Grants. To date, the ERC has funded over 9,500 top researchers and over 50,000 postdoctoral fellows, PhD candidates and other staff members who work in their research teams. ...
Acknowledgements This repository is part of the European Research Council-funded Digital Ludeme Project (ERC Consolidator Grant #771292) run by Cameron Browne atMaastricht University's Department of Advanced Computing Sciences.