Apply to the master’s programme Our next regular Application Procedure (for both Erasmus Mundus scholarship and self-funded candidates) will start around October 2022 for the 2023/2024 academic year. For more information, check our ‘How To Apply’ section....
这个项目有攻读学位(Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree,简称EMJMD)奖学金和常规出国交换的Erasmus Scholarship/Grant,不仅适合欧盟内部的学生,也适合非欧盟国家的学生。 我参加的是短期交换项目,拿到的是Erasmus Grant。这是一个欧洲大学之间的项目奖学金。简单来说,就是就读学校和某一个欧洲大学有合作合同,相互交换...
Degree: Masters Provided by: Erasmus Mundus Deadline: 28 Jan, 2024 Scholarship value: Partial Funding, Travel + Visa + A living allowance Submit a joint master's application for Erasmus Mundus. We welcome students from throughout the globe. You'll attend a number of universities in Europe...
请看官网统计数据:… 欧盟伊拉莫斯硕士交换项目是什么体验? junjun 旅居挪威的工程师,锂电池制造业 首先,Erasmus Mundus joint master degree 项目,要从研究生一年级开始念,一般2年学制,翻译成欧盟内大学间的联合培养… ...
Application to the SERP-Chem programme after the deadline of the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship is possible for applicants self financed. Please note that students already holding a master degree can be accepted in the second year of the master at the University of Paris-Sud. ...
One of the biggest benefits of being awarded a scholarship position in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Aquaculture, Environment and Society Plus (EMJMD ACES+) is that students will be provided with “life skills” training. This means that students will receive valuable lessons in presentatio...
Erasmus Mundus Joint Mastersare high-level integrated study programmes at master level. The programmes are designed and delivered by an international partnership of higher education institutions from different countries worldwide. Erasmus+ funds scholarships for students to take part in these p...
本人毕业于EM Joint Master of Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC)项目,目前担任MESC项目代表,EM校友会中国区理事。 伊拉斯谟世界计划(Erasmus Mundus)是“伊拉斯谟计划”的国际化方案。此一…
普遍的 来说适用于大家理解的,Erasmus Scholarship/Grant(非Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, 简称 是EMJMD )是一个欧洲大学之间的项目奖学金。简单的来说,就是比如我的本科学校是和某一个欧洲大学有合作合同,那么我们相互交换免去学费,住宿费提供学生之间增长见识的机会。Erasmus Grant就是在免去了所有费用之后,...
Erasmus Mundus scholarships, which are funded by the EACEA of the European Union, will meet the cost of annual tuition fees, and will provide a contribution towards travel and relocation, and also a contribution towards daily living expenses.