奥地利维也纳大学the University of Vienna 波兰弗罗茨瓦夫大学the University of Wroclaw 丹麦洛斯基尔德大学the University of Roskilde 比利时根特大学the University of Ghent 项目链接:lse.ac.uk/Economic-Hist...gesi.sozphil.uni-leipzig.de...申请由德国莱比锡大学the University of Leipzig处理。课程...
10.MARIHE - Research And Innovation In Higher Education 高等教育创新与研究硕士 学制2年,学费6000欧元/年 该项目由以下大学联办: UNIVERSITAT FUR WEITERBILDUNG KREMS克雷姆斯进修大学(协调院校) University of Tampere in Finland芬兰坦佩雷大学 Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in Germany德国奥斯纳布吕克...
Please note, former Erasmus partners in the UK are no longer available under the Erasmus Scheme. But you may still be able to arrange a different mode of exchange to study abroad in this location. The best orhighest rated destinationscan be found on that page. Oustide the EU Many destinatio...
The project brings together universities from Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, UK, China and Vietnam and one research organisation from Belgium.
University of theHighlands and Islands,UK英国高地和群岛大学(协调院校) University of Crete,Greece希腊克里特大学 University of Nantes,French法国南特大学 Radboud University,the Netherlands 荷兰内梅亨大学 ASC-ADVANCEDSPECTROSCOPY IN CHEMISTRY MASTER'S COURSE ...
荷兰留学:Study-in-Holland 比利时留学网:Study-in-Belgium 德国留学网:Edu-in-Germany 法国留学那点事:Edu-in-France 瑞士留学网:StudyInSwitzerland 北欧留学:Study-in-NorthEurope 意大利留学派:Edu-in-Italy 西班牙留学网:Study-in-Spa...
The University of Southampton, UK英国南安普顿大学 University of Bordeaux, France法国波尔多大学 University of Liège, Belgium比利时列日大学 GLOCAL - Global Markets, Local Creativities全球市场、当地创造性硕士,学制2年 学费18372欧元/年, 奖学金25000欧元/年,学费超出奖学金部分由项目承担 ...
The UK’s ‘replacement’ for Erasmus+ is the Turing Scheme, aimed to help British students take part in exchanges at universities around the world. The Turing Scheme has a £100 million budget to fund around 35,000 students to study abroad. ...
德国留学公众号:Edu-in-Germany 法国留学公众号:Edu-in-France 瑞士留学公众号:StudyInSwitzerland 北欧留学公众号:Study-in-NorthEurope 意大利留学公众号:Edu-in-Italy 西班牙留学公众号:Study-in-Spain 英国留学公众号:Edu-in-UK 捷克留学 波兰留学与匈牙利留学:Study-in-MidEurope ...
9.HIPS-History in the Public Sphere公众领域的历史硕士,学制2年,学费12000欧元/年 该项目由以下大学联办: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris(Associated Partner)巴黎国立东方语言和文化学院 Central European...