任何国籍的申请者(年龄不限)均可申请Erasmus Mundus联合硕士学位,同一学年可申请Erasmus Mundus奖学金项目不超过3个。 这个项目依据申请者国籍背景分为两类:Programme Countries和Partner Countries。这个分类影响了学费标准、奖学金获得几率以及奖学金中是否包含旅行费用。 Programme Countries是欧盟成员国,Partner Countries...
Erasmus Mundus联合硕士为多个学校联合授予学位,时长两年,英语授课,学生将在多个国家和大学完成学业。任何国籍的申请者(年龄不限)均可申请Erasmus Mundus联合硕士学位,同一学年可申请Erasmus Mundus奖学金项目不超过3个。这个项目依据申请者国籍背景分为两类:Programme Countries和Partner Countries。这个分类影响了学费...
任何国籍的申请者(年龄不限)均可申请Erasmus Mundus联合硕士学位,同一学年可申请Erasmus Mundus奖学金项目不超过3个。 这个项目依据申请者国籍背景分为两类:Programme Countries和Partner Countries。这个分类影响了学费标准、奖学金获得几率以及奖学金中是否包含旅行费用。 Programme Countries是欧盟成员国,Partner Countries...
1. 聊聊奖学金 对于伊拉斯姆斯项目国(Erasmus+ Programme countries)之外的候选者,以及未在过去五年里在伊拉斯姆斯项目国学习、培训或工作超过12个月的,有资格申请“category A”。中国学生算在A类的奖学金。 *伊拉斯姆斯项目国是指欧盟27国以及冰岛、列支敦士登、挪威、北马其顿、塞尔维亚和土耳其。 A类奖学金包...
This full-time programme is organized by a consortium of four partner universities and taught in English. You will get the opportunity to study human rights from a multidisciplinary perspective, in four different countries.
1) Erasmus programme “伊拉斯谟计划” 1. Erasmus programmeis one of the most successful educational cooperation programme in European Community and it deserves other countries and regions learning. “伊拉斯谟计划”是欧共体最为成功的教育合作项目之一,其成功经验值得世界其他国家和地区借鉴。
当然不是所有学生都可以获得全额奖学金,每个EMJMD项目每年大概有15个奖学金名额(官网数据),然后至少75%的奖学金会授予合作国家(Partner Countries)的学生,而中国是Partner Countries之一。也就是欧盟更倾向于将更多的奖学金名额授予非欧盟的学生。而且从...
A number of countries now use sex offender registers as a policy to improve levels of public protection by ensuring that law enforcement agencies are better informed on the whereabouts of sex offenders in their communities. These policies are designed in part to improve child protection. The ...
This full-time programme is organized by a consortium of four partner universities and taught in English. You will get the opportunity to study human rights from a multidisciplinary perspective, in four different countries.
1. The grant for teachers and for further and continuing education is divided into three groups of countries and is between 140 euros and 180 euros per day, though it can vary 2. Duration of funding: 2 to 60 days for stays in one of the p...