What’s Coming Up: September 2023 –Vampire of the Sun by S.T. Cartlegde Imagine welcoming a new baby, only to find that a vampire infant from outer space crash-landed in your backyard. Yes, you read that right. Vampire of the Sun takes parenthood to the next level with a slice-of...
The baby represents the result of a sin. The radiator represents suicide. The girl behind the radiator represents death (she crushes the worms/sins) A thinking man's horror flick! Útil•32 11 Adam-46 20 de fev. de 1999 Link permanente Principais escolhas Faça login para avaliar e ...
Baby for sale bytausendsassa»Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:19 pm 0 15024 bytausendsassa Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:19 pm Eraserhead - Modernized Trailer byqbin2001»Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:30 pm 1 15084 byhopesfall Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:05 am ...
What’s Coming Up: September 2023 –Vampire of the Sun by S.T. Cartlegde Imagine welcoming a new baby, only to find that a vampire infant from outer space crash-landed in your backyard. Yes, you read that right. Vampire of the Sun takes parenthood to the next level with a slice-of...
Baby's First Book of Seriously Fucked-up Shit From an orgy between God, Satan, Adam and Eve to beauty pageants for fetuses. From a giant human-absorbing tongue to a place where God is in the eyes of the psychopathic. This is a party at the furthest limits of human decency and cruelt...
, Baby’s First Book of Seriously Fucked Up Shit, and Shatnerquake. They are also known for their unique marketing strategies like homebrewing beer in honor of their books to be served at parties, busking on street corners, selling books at film festivals and rock concerts, throwing ...
“Macbeth”(1971) Director: Roman Polanski Roman Polanski (“Rosemary’s Baby”) imbues his unflinchingly violent adaptation of William Shakespeare’s tragedy of ruthless ambition and murder in medieval Scotland with grit and dramatic intensity. Jon Finch (“Frenzy”) and Francesca Annis (“Dune”)...
大卫·林奇完成于1977年的邪典经典「橡皮头」(Eraserhead)的原声专辑于2012年由林奇的东家——布鲁克林独立厂牌Sacred Bones重新发行豪华再版, 厂牌还为此在旧金山特别举办了电影放映会。和同厂牌的独立大导卡朋特或贾木许相似,一直兼顾音乐事业的林奇在2006年完成「内陆帝国」后逐渐淡出电影拍摄,而正式以音乐人身份开启多...
what, exactly, is never clear. "they're still not sure it is a baby!" she cries at one point on the soundtrack. lynch and splet render this setting with a varied mix of creaks, rumbles, hisses, and roars. theirs is a place of polluting industry, clacking trains, dangerous ...
necessary ingredient to make this thing happen. She stayed with the film from the very beginning to the very end. She was going to play a nurse. Henry and Mary were going to go to the hospital to get the baby, but that scene was never shot. Catherine kept joking, “When am I going...