This command can also be used aftercreating an ARRAYthat has Associative elements. To be able to remove the associative feature of the array, the EXPLODE command can be used. To use the Explode command in AutoCAD Active the EXPLODE command using the tool shown on the image below select the ...
如下图所示:4.COMMANDLINE命令。用于显示命令行窗口,此方法需开启动态输入:调出【草图设置】对话框,在【动态输入】选项卡中勾选【启用指针输入】。如下... 我是小牙董呀呗邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (3) CAD造型命令? 共1条回答 > 怡宝╯: 在AutoCAD系统中,可以用系统的模型空间模拟真实的三维空间。三维实...
You can erase selected objects from the drawing. This method does not move objects to the Clipboard, where they can then be pasted to another location. Instead of selecting objects to erase, you can enter an option, such as L to erase the last object drawn, p to erase the previous ...
In 2014 I could type E and then select what I wanted to delete then press space to erase and then use space to go back in the command. The only way I have found for 2016 Erase command to do what I want in to have PICKADD=0 but for that I have to use the fence and then I...
If everything is OK, then perform your actions. It is best not to change any state in a subsidiary function. If you must change state, then try to change it after invoking the parent class implementation of the same function (in case an error code is returned). If you must change stat...
(vla-get-layers doc) layer)) ) ;;; if not purged freeze it again (if (setq e (tblobjname "layer" layer)) (command "._layer" "_f" layer "") ) ) ) ) ) ) (setq ss nil) (vlax-for la (vla-get-layers (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) (layer-del (vla-...
(command "_purge" "_sh" "" "_n") ) ;;--- END OF FILE --- 将文本文件另存为delshape.lsp,然后退出文本编辑器。 打开存在问题的图形,并使用 APPLOAD 命令加载delshape.lsp例程。 在命令行上,输入delshape。该例程将运行,并在命令行上返回以下信...
Problem: In diesem Artikel wird beschrieben, wie Sie Formen entfernen und Referenzen auf nicht verfügbare Symboldateien (SHX) in AutoCAD bereinigen. Lösung: Manuelle Prüfung Wechseln Sie in die Zeichnung und bestimmen Sie, welche Objekte oder Linien
(command "_purge" "_sh" "" "_n") ) ;;--- END OF FILE --- 텍스트 파일을 delshape.lsp로 저장하고 텍스트 편집기를 종료합니다. 문제 도면을 열고 APPLOAD 명령을 사용하여 del...