部件名ERA91-02 下载ERA91-02下载 文件大小51.78 Kbytes 页3 Pages 制造商FUJI [Fuji Electric] 网页http://www.fujielectric.co.jp/eng/fdt/scd 标志 功能描述LOWLOSSSUPERHIGHSPEEDRECTIFIER Features ● Ultra small package possible for 5mm pitch automatic insertion ...
供应FUJI原装ERA91-02V1快恢复二极管 R-1型号/规格: ERA91-02V1 品牌/商标: FUJI(富士) 封装形式: R-1 环保类别: 无铅环保型 安装方式: 直插式 包装方式: 盒排 型号:ERA91-02V1 品牌:FUJI/富士 参数:0.5A200V 35ns 封装:R-1 量多价格可商议!20只起售! 北京八达顺波电子技术有限公司是一家化的...
So ,If you can't find out the original model by top mark.You can reduce the 1 to 2 letters in the last part of top mark (means date code), or try to change them to * Vice versa, when searching the model number ofMMBD7000LT1G, it will show the top mark (marking code) ofM5C...
IC型号: ERA91-02 PDF描述: LOW LOSS SUPER HIGH SPEED RECTIFIER 文件大小: 51.79KB PDF页数: 3 Pages页 芯片厂家: FUJI [Fuji Electric] 阅览下载 纠错 0 扫码查看芯片数据手册 上传产品规格书 ERA91-02相关型号PDF文件下载 型号 版本 描述 厂商 下载 ERA91-02 英文版 LOW LOSS SUPER HIGH SPEED...
包德美科技 4.5 商品体验优秀 物流体验良好 服务体验良好 已售少于100 ¥0.35点击查看更多 配送: 广东广州至 阳泉城区 快递: 230.00现货,付款后48小时内发货 保障: 7天无理由退货 破损包退 参数: 颜色分类:ERA3AEB224V 查看更多 参数信息 品牌 bdm
Both countries celebrated the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties last year. Argentina's incorporation into the BRI is the most important milestone in a new era of the relationship. It is worth noting that Argentina and China established a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2014, with numerous ...
1.ERA5常规变量属性: 数据大小:16.5 TB (4块5TB盘拷贝) 数据格式:NetCDF (.nc) 存储方式:不同变量分开存放,每天1个文件(24时次) 时间:1979.1.1-2022.3.10 范围:70°E-140°E;0-60°N(非全球) 时间分辨率:逐小时 空间分辨率:0.25°*0.25° 单层/表层:1层 多层...
摘要: A study revealed conservative rhetoric in evidence in editorials concerning women's rights and the Equal Rights Amendment in southern United States daily newspapers from 1970 to 1977. (Author/FL)关键词:Content Analysis Editorials Feminism Journalism Media Research Newspapers Rhetoric ...