经纬网格下载:Currently, the datacan only be downloaded on a regular latitude/longitude grid of 0.1°x0.1°via the CDS catalogue. NOTE:Please, note that since 1st Jan 2020 the new ECMWF Meteorological Interpolation and Regridding interpolation package (MIR) has been used to interpolate the atmosph...
ESSD | ERA5-Land:陆面应用中一款最先进的全球再分析数据集 Muñoz-Sabater, J., Dutra, E., Agustí-Panareda, A., Albergel, C., Arduini, G., Balsamo, G., Boussetta, S., Choulga, M., Harrigan, S., Hersbach, H., Martens, B., Miralles, D. G., Piles, M., Rodríguez-Fernánd...
AI Earth平台目前上线ERA5-Land的3类数据产品,分别是ERA5-Land hourly data、ERA5-Land monthly averaged data、ERA5-Land monthly averaged data by hour of day ,ERA5-land 数据产品覆盖全球陆地区域1950-2022年共50类气象要素(包括温度、降水、大气压、辐射、蒸散发等),空间分辨率为0.1° x 0.1° (~9 ...
ERA5-Land:陆面应用中一款最先进的全球再分析数据集 Muñoz-Sabater, J., Dutra, E., Agustí-Panareda, A., Albergel, C., Arduini, G., Balsamo, G., Boussetta, S., Choulga, M., Harrigan, S., Hersbach, H., Martens, B., Miralles, D. G., Piles, M., Rodríguez-Fernández, N....
1)注册账号 登录 Copernicus Climate Data Store 2)查询数据 继续访问 Copernicus Climate Data Store 数据下载:下载数据教程: How to use the CDS API 参考 confluence.ecmwf.int/di...步骤1:选择数据后直接进行下载 步骤2:使用Python下载 2.1)保存自己的UID和API Key 2.2)配置并安装CDS ...
Sci. Data, 13, 4349–4383, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4349-2021, 2021. 数据终于更新完毕了,~32 TB!!! ERA5-Land 陆面高分辨率再分析数据 (1950.1.1-2022.2.28) ERA5-LAND变量属性: 数据大小:~32TB (2块16-18TB盘拷贝) 数...
AI Earth平台目前上线ERA5-Land的3类数据产品,分别是ERA5-Land hourly data、ERA5-Land monthly averaged data、ERA5-Land monthly averaged data by hour of day ,ERA5-land 数据产品覆盖全球陆地区域1950-2022年共50类气象要素(包括温度、降水、大气压、辐射、蒸散发等),空间分辨率为0.1° x 0.1° (~9 ...
ERA5-Land data is available from 1981 to three months from real-time. More information can be found at theCopernicus Climate Data Store. ERA5-Land是一个再分析数据集,与ERA5相比,它以更高的分辨率提供了数十年来土地变量演变的一致观点。ERA5-Land是通过重放ECMWF ERA5气候再分析的陆地部分产生的。再...
(2) In the Sichuan Basin, high correlation has been found between ERA5L precipitation data and in-situ observations, with a small error. The areas of Xizang, Yunnan, Guizhou and Western Sichuan are characterized by complex terrains and mountainous regions. The ERA5...
ERA5-Land data is available from 1981 to three months from real-time. More information can be found at the Copernicus Climate Data Store. ERA5-Land是一个再分析数据集,与ERA5相比,它以更高的分辨率提供了数十年来土地变量演变的一致观点。ERA5-Land是通过重放ECMWF ERA5气候再分析的...