To better analyze the spatial and temporal changes in the FG, two 30-year periods (1951–1980 and 1991–2020) were extracted, and the annual PFG, SFG, IFG and NFG were aggregated into 30-year values (PFG30, SFG30, IFG30, and NFG30), determined as follows:(2)Land{PFG30NPFG=30SFG...
It includes the evolution of greenhouse gases, volcanic eruptions, sea surface temperature, wind waves, and sea ice (quality-assured monthly updates of ERA5 are published within three months of real-time). For storage issues, data have been gridded to a regular lat-lon grid of 0.25°. At ...
It includes the evolution of greenhouse gases, volcanic eruptions, sea surface temperature, wind waves, and sea ice (quality-assured monthly updates of ERA5 are published within three months of real-time). For storage issues, data have been gridded to a regular lat-lon grid of 0.25°. At ...
Northern Territory (Figure 4). A more detailed analysis over the four NRM regions shows that while ERA5 simulates colder Tmax and warmer Tmin compared to AGCD, it captures the interannual and monthly variability reasonably well, suggesting the possibility of a stationary bias between the two ...
Complementarity analysis showed a good complementarity between resources on the monthly timescale, whereas for daily and hourly scales some negative correlation exists, but at significantly lower levels (less than −0.35). On the country level, the solar and wind resources tend to complement each ...