佳凌塑料机械有限公司 经营模式:生产厂家 商铺产品:2条 所在地区:广东东莞市 联系人:彭小姐 询价 给他留言 全部 热门 暂无信息您感兴趣的产品PRODUCTS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN 轴承加热器LD-140 LD-140 面议 轴承加热器LD-110 LD-110 面议 轴承加热器LD-80 LD-80 面议 LD-50轴承加热器 轴承加热器...
A composition for retaining dentures in the mouth of a denture wearer including 5-8% w/w of an hydrophilic gelling agent, 2-7% w/w of a thickening agent, 5-20% w/w of ail agent that imparts water resistance to the composition, 0.2-5% w/w of humectant(s) and the balance being wa...